Chapter 7

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'Damn my head hurts . . . ' Sigurd thought remembering last night how Hannes friend had been punching his head. He sits up on the bed rubbing his forehead trying to sooth the pain.

In the last couple of nights Sigurd had been following some of the guards that were guarding the big house where the kids are held. Five days ago he was able to capture one of the guards by spiking his drink. And now his latest capture was Hannes friend. 'Hannes what should I do with him.' Sigurd thought he didn't really want Hannes involved in this but Hannes was too persistence and the fact is no matter what kind of weapons he has at the end of the day his body is literally a kid's body, he's almost powerless against a grown adult.

On his side he notices the sleeping figure of Mikasa sleeping peacefully. 'Oh right since Mikasa doesn't have a room right know she'll be sharing it with me.' Sigurd thought.

Then he saw Mikasa sitting up too, rubbing her eyes. "Morning Mikasa." Sigurd said he gave her a smile.

"Where were you?" Mikasa said, she stared at Sigurd with a worried face. This made Sigurd sweat a little. "Eh? What do you mean?" Sigurd said. The question of did Mikasa know he left the house at night is in his mind and trying to come up with possible lies.

"I woke up in the middle of the night and you weren't there!" Mikasa said. She looks genuinely worried about Sigurd, grabbing his hand squeezing it tightly as if afraid letting it go would make Sigurd disappear. "I was worried why you were gone! I thought y-you were kidnapped!" Mikasa said she looks so fearful about it. "Everything is alright Mikasa I was just doing something." Sigurd said his heart aches seeing the vulnerable state Mikasa is in, it made him feel miserable and guilty as it's a real possibility Mikasa's fear of him getting kidnapp would come true if he wasn't careful. He won't give up he'll take the risk as long as those bastards get slaughter for the crimes they commit.

"Come on Mikasa let's head down stairs I'm starving." He said trying to calm down Mikasa. She reluctantly nodded.

Both of them goes down stairs, heading down the wooden staircase Grisha, who was at the table reading a news paper. Sees the two children. "Ah! Mikasa, Sigurd! Good morning to the both of you." Grisha said.

"Morning Mr Yeager." Mikasa said.

"Morning dad." Sigurd said he sees Grisha by the table reading a news paper while Carla is cooking some stew. Smelling the delicious stew Carla is making made Sigurd more awake. "That smells delicious!" Sigurd said he took a seat at the table, Mikasa also took a seat next to the white haired boy.

"Here you go." Carla said handing them all the stews. Seeing the stew up close made Sigurd's mouth all watery. Even Mikasa too is enchanted by the texture of the stew. Her eyes glistening because of it.

"Thanks for the food." Sigurd said and he digs in. Savoring the delicious food.

". . . Thank you Ms Yeager." Mikasa said in a quiet voice she slowly takes a bite, her eyes widen in how good it is.

"I take it you kids like it?" Grisha said he smiled at the sight of the kids eating the food, already knowing how good it is. "Yeah it's really good. Why is it so delicious anyway? No offense mom but the stew is way more good than any other meal you cooked."

Carla didn't seem to take offense on that, she chuckle and smile at Sigurd's compliment. "Aww~ thanks sweety. Back then I used to work for a Tavern I did some culinary work for it, the stew is sorta of my specialty." Carla said.

"Your mother stew is truly divine works." Grisha said before eating it, the compliment made Carla blush and playfully slap her hand on Grisha's shoulder. "Stop it you're making me blush." Carla said she blush at her husband's praise.

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