dadt I

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Jisung sat alone at lunch, as per usual. The school cafeteria was loud and ambitious, but all Jisung tried to focus on was his homework. 

The table in front of him had seven men talking and giggling, and Jisung could feel tears prick to the brim of his eyes. He quickly blinked them away, looking back down at the book in his hands. He was in the middle of writing his History homework, and the bell rang for his next class. He flinched slightly, dropping his pencil to the ground.

"Ah, shit." He got up from the bench, quickly going to pick up his rolling pencil before he accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh- I-I'm so sorry! I- Are you uhm, okay? Alright?" Jisung gasped slightly, glancing up to be met with a boy slightly taller than him, his dark brown hair falling below his eyebrows.

Jisungs face suddenly went red, his doe eyes widened slightly, staring at the boy with slight shock. He was so pretty. "Is my face that pretty?" The boy asked, keeping an unbothered look on his face. If Jisung thought his face couldn't get any warmer, he was wrong. "I-I-" He was at loss of words, he quickly looked down, bowing slightly. "I- Sorry! I'm so sorry!" Jisung turned around and grabbed his notebook from the table behind him, rushing out of the cafeteria doors without looking back.

His last few classes went by in a blur, him catching up on the work he hadn't finished before. Today was his first day at a dance class in his school, he had never learnt dance ever before, so he was quite nervous. He was walking in the hallways, everything peaceful and soft. He sighed, chewing on his lip as he stood in front of the door. I could just turn around and not come back.. He shook his head, taking in a deep breath as he fixed his clothes and opened the door to the room.

As Jisung walked into the room, multiple pairs of eyes set on him. He shrinked at the attention, keeping his head down, staring at his shoes. He quickly rushed to the back of the room, sitting down on one of the chairs. His fluffy blue hair had fallen just above his eyes, covering his vision with some strands of hair.

"Okay!" A boy called out, causing Jisung to look up.

Oh fuck no.

It was the same guy that Jisung had bumped into early this morning, his eyes widened, taking a breath in.

"Since everyone is finally here, how about we introduce ourselves? I'll start. My names Lee Minho, and I'll be the understudy when the teacher isn't here. I have a passion in dancing, obviously. And I enjoy going for walks. Favorite colors black, and I'm 22 years old. Can Felix go next?" The guy, Minho, spoke. He had such beautiful features, and such great interests. Jisung wondered if he'd still remember him from earlier.

"Hi! My names Felix, as you already know. And I have a passion in music! I love watching movies, and my favorite colors are pink and pastel yellow! And I'm also 22 years old. Chan, go next!" Felix was extremely cheery, the blonde was wearing cute pink pastel clothes, and Jisung silently wished he had the confidence to dress like that too.

The rest of peoples introductions went by fast, though no one had called on Jisung. He was happy about it, honestly. He knew he'd fuck up big time if he even opened his mouth.

But apparently, life hated him. Cause Minho called on him next.

"Hey, blue haired boy at the back, why don't you give us an introduction, hm?" Minho tilted his head to the side, furrowing his brows slightly. "Oh, and come up to the middle of the room, no ones going to be able to hear you from all the way back there." Jisung could feel his heart drop to the depths of his stomach, his eyes widening. He slowly nodded, getting up from his spot on the couch and making his way over to where the rest of the people were standing.

His heart rate increased as he fiddled with his sweater paws, taking a deep breath and looking upwards. "Uhm.. Hello. M-My names Han Jisung, and I- I'm 21 years old. I have passion in r-reading," The room was silent, all pairs of eyes on Jisung himself. He chewed on his lips slightly, looking at his surroundings. He could see some people trying to stiffle their laughs, and it felt like the whole world was laying down on him with all the judgement. "a- and my favorite colors are beige and navy blue!" Jisung squeaked slightly at the end, and the people who were trying not to laugh started wheezing.

A Dance Alone, To A Dance Together. || MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now