dadt III

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Jisung woke up the next morning with rain still falling, he was shivering. Slight panic rushed through his body as he realized he was outside- the feeling quickly vanished as he remembered what happen after dance the other day.

"Fuck.." He whispered, his back aching with pain due to the posistion he was sitting in.

He guessed his mother went to work, and decided to try opening the door, finding it unlocked.

Walking into the house and closing the door behind him, Jisung smiled at the quiet aura. His house was never quiet, not while he was home.

Jisungs eyes shot wide, running up the stairs and into his bedroom. He almost tripped, grabbing his phone to check the time.

"Shit! I only have twenty minutes!" He exclaimed, throwing his phone onto the bed as he washed his face and brushed his teeth in record speed. He quickly applied lotion, barging into his closet and pulling out whatever he found first.

He sneezed a few times, causing his nose to go runny, but he ignored it as he grabbed a pair of washed blue jeans and a random oversized black sweater he had hung up.

Throwing the clothes on, he grabbed his phone and rushed downstairs.

He threw the door open, letting it slam behind him as he locked it. Grabbing his bag, that was lying in the egg chair he slept in, he threw it over his head and skipped all three of his steps and started running towards the school.

he realized his wrist was still in pain, but he but back a whimper. Since that was the last thing he needed to worry about right now.

Of course it's still pouring, just my luck.

Jisung ran across roads and other peoples lawns, having no care in the world as he yelled sorry to whoever he bumped into.

After fifteen minutes, Jisung finally made it inside of the school. Hallways were loud and crowded as always, and Jisung dropped his bag over his shoulder with record speed. He held onto his wrist, murmuring curse words under his breath due to the amount of pain it caused.

The amount of people in front and ahead of him was overwhelming, but he tried his best to ignore all other souls other than is own.

Jisung quickly found his classroom after drying up, and as he walked in the loud chatters of friends and students erupted into his ear drums once more.

Jisung quickly walked over to his seat, hanging his bag on his chair and settling down as the teacher was erasing the board from yesterdays lecture.

The bell rang, and the chatters quieted down. People were still talking, but the teacher wasn;t done getting ready.

"Alright!" Mrs. Kim clapped her hands, the class going silent now. "I am very busy today, and I couldn't find you guys a sub. That being said, today is just a day where you can work on any assigned work you have due. You may not leave school boundaires at any time, other than lunch, and if I come back tomorrow and I see you have no work done, you getting a zero. Please begin your assignments." The class erupted into voices again, everyone pulling out whatever word they had left.

Jisung just gaped. He had ran for his god damned life just to be told that today was basically a free day?

People started to leave the room, and Jisng quickly grabbed the work he needed and placed it carefully into his backpack. Thankfully, no one walked up to talk to him.

Jisung quickly left the classroom. Halls empty and peaceful as everyone was in class.

He smiled. He loved school, he loved school so much. It kept him away from home.

A Dance Alone, To A Dance Together. || MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now