Chapter 1

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"I dunno were my problems or so started or if it was always such a big problem. I can barely remember my past. But sometimes, i remember it in my dreams until i wake up and forget more than half of it like usuall. I wake up covered in my sweat without realizing why. I try and write down everthink that i still remembered and check if i knew somethink new and over the months, this is what i have right now. Maybe i find there the answer for it." He whispered and puts the book infront of himself, going with his eyes over it. "I always remember, i used to live in a small village. It was really small with around 20 houses in there and everone knows everbody. It was not perfekt but growing up in such a small village, the city is clearly too big and noisy with lots of people. But thats just my option." He explains and sighed, as he open it and try reading is messy handwriting. "I was tired writing it, so it's harsh to read it trough, but it has to be gone fast." He said as he looked up.

It was a sunny day in the village. A man drove his cart, like usually until he heard a sound from under and he stopped. "Oh no. Please did i just hit a stone. Please be a stone." He begged, until he heard the sound of crying. He sighed and pulled the boy up. "Tamio Enmu. Who else?" He whispered annoyed and place him on the cart. Enmu cried due to the shock of this little inccident and he bleeds a little on the forehead. He didn't notice that the man was coming until he was under it. "Can't you see, when someones is coming?" He asked quite mad. "It's the third time this week and it happens so often. Can't you learn? Are you that stupid?" The little boy is whimering and looks up to him. "I just dreamed a little bit,Sir." He explained, as the man began to lift it and move the cart but not in the direction he planned, but to the doctor of this small village. A smart and wise man who knew the boy really well know, cause everbody drops him there, when they hit him accidently, but he don't get smarter, why Enmu was like that. Of course they never drop him, when they hit him not accidently,  but quite often. So it was no suprise for him, when he saw him again and sighed. "Third time, Enmu?" Was the first question as soon as he got dropped off. He swiped his tears away and silently nooded. Another sighed came out of the man as he opens the door for the little man. "I already see the wound on youre head. Still we can never be sure with you. You could do so much more, but instead you day dreamed youreself trough the day. It won't get you far in life." He said, quietly unpatient. "When will you learn? Youre already 10 years old. Thats why you have trouble in school. Cause youre always dreaming." He reminded him and pull his face up, as soon as Enmu sit down on the table and carefully clean the wound. "Seriously, do you even wanna learn something? Do you wanna dissapoint youre parents?" He sighed a little and look away from the man. "It's just hard to focus when i am always tired." Was the answerd and the doc rolled with his eyes. "Then go to sleep early. Youre the only one with this problem." "It's not just this." He said as soon as the other turned around. "Sometimes it feels like i am dreaming and that is" "Oh, excuses, excuses. Thats just excuses. You're a healty boy. You don't have physikal dissabilitys or something like that. You just a lazy dreamer." He explained and put an band aid on it. "Just try harder, Enmu. Please, for heavens sake. Were do you wanna end up?" He looked worried to him. "You wanna end up on the streets and dying alone? Cause no woman wants a lazy man on her side." He said and shakes is head a little. Enmu lookes down to his feets and nooded. "Yeah, i try it." He apologized quietly and stands up. "I go home. Should i said my parents something personal from you?" Came the question and of the next seconds, he leaves. "What a dreamer. He will probably never succed" The man said, befor he greets the next patient.
That was the last thing, he saw or hear, befor he turned his head and runs. Everthinks feels kinda weird but also quite funny, so the way back home were much longer than it is and much painfuller. He ran into people quite often, cause he was dreaming. Nothing new, just like the fist he felt in the next moment. "Good for nothing." "Idiot." "Dissapointing." Were some example he hears on a daily basis, but it don't surprise him anymore. The kids have there fun and the adults are inpatient with him. So he was sort of glad, when reaching home, hungry. The first thing he goes is the kitchen, were his mother sits. The woman looks up, as soon as he took some bread. "What happenend?" She asked and point on the wound. He swallod it and opens his mouth, but she stand up. "But let me guess. The usuall? You dreamed, run somewere and got hit." Were her words and she looked out of the window, to some kids that are playing. Enmu goes to her and looked to the direktion, she was looking and took a bite the same time. "Why can't you be like the other kids? Just looked at them. Never sleeping in class, never dreamimg on the streets. They all gonna have a bright future. Why are you the exeption?" She complained but it doesn't bother him. "Come father home soon? So i can see him befor going to bed?" Was his only question he asked, but his mother turned away. "You fall asleep anyways, so why does it bothers you?" She asked befor leaving the room and maybe she was right. So he drink a sip of water and goes to his room. It was still sunny but his eyes became heavy. "The other have a bright future? But they so mean to me too." He whispered to himself. Rethinking why he is like that. He would regret and change it immedeatly but therefore he has no concrentration to do so, so he ending up dreaming again or thinking, he's dreaming. "Everthinks blurry." Was the last think he said, befor falling asleep. It was a day like every day too until the night came.

Sweet, sweet nightmare (Enmu Angst)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя