chapter 4

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It was another day in Japan and Enmu was on his way back.
He was tired from the battle with the demon and was glad, when he reached the mansion. Hakuji stand outside, as he hear him, he turned to him and was quite shocked. "What just happend?" He ask and the young man looks up. "I just got almost crashed by a falling building, when i tried to kill this demon." He mumbled and breaked down. Hakuji goes to him and help him up. "You still can't kill demons. I thought this one was easy for you." He hissed briefly, as Hakuji took him. "I thougt something too as i got crushed down and throw away, but i won't say it cause it might offend you." He replied annoyd and pushed him away, slowly walking to his room. "I just wanna rest now. The demon saw me more as a toy than a tread." As soon as he enters the house, something is strange. It spins. The floor spins. Irritatet by it, he walks backwarts. "Oh come on. Not now. Not yet. Just let me rest." He mumbled as he saw a shadow running around. That was new, he thought and tries to walk to his room but since the floor seems to spin, it was hard to walk correclty and not fall. He looks to his side and there standing a demon like figure next him. He tried to reach him but he pushed him away and falls backwarts against the wall. "Alright, not panik. This is just a dream." Enmu keep saying to himself, putting his hand on his blade, ready do defent himself against whatever standing infront of him. He keeps his eyes on the thing and ignored the walls on the background, fading away. "I'm probably still under the building and die if i not waking up now." He mumbled, but pointing the blade at his neck, while walking away from the demon, but for his surprised, the demon won't move, just looked at him shocked. Of course he was nervose thinking about it, but when it means to come back to reality than thats probably what he need to do, so he will do it. Still, this creature won't move and he can feel his body shaking, thats why it was hard to stand. He just tried to relax but now he feel the blood on his neck and took a deep breathe. It was just a cut now, he thought, but then he felt something from behind and someone put his arms around him, holding him tight and leave no way on moving free, wich frustated him. And all of a sudden, the other demons used the chance and took his blade. "I made a mistake? No. I don't wanna die like this. I have to wake up." Enmu screamed, trembling kicking around. His body was wounded and he only feel the warm liquid and how he slowly gets exhausted, but he can't give up now. Not when two demons are attacking him in this nightmare, while he probably still lays there. It's not a good sign and he tries to defend himself but as the other person puts his blade away, he holds his legs. "Dammit. I messed up." Enmu thought and tried to kick him away. He can't give up. No he simply can't. Dream or not, he has to fight and he shows it, but it was not easy. He tries to think for an escape from this situation but is head starts hurting. Is it from this blood lost or something else? It defenely make it harder to think clear and when he looks around, everthink makes no sense whatsoever, but he was used to this situation, yet they were never so intens. His move got slowler till he has no energy left. He tries to catch his breathe. It was exhausting for sure. "I can't die like this. It all happend so sudden, thats unfair. I wanna wake up." He mumbled and as he realized his possibel situation, a small tears felt on the ground, till he passed out in the arms of the demons. It's not fair. I hope, i'm not death, when waking up, he thought as he hear voices. Things like he need to be in the spidermansion now, and it made him relief. Besides this nightmare, they found him. His body was too wounded cause after that, everthink went silent. "That was too much for me. Clearly, i need a solution for it or everyone will be dissapointment." Enmu thought. "Especially the master. I don't wanna dissapoint him. Not again, not now and not in any dream."
He opend his eyes and look up, just to close these by the sudden grell light. He tried to do it slowly again, realizing he was in the hospital, the spidermansion. "What a pity. Why does this demon have to throw me against a building? And why does it have to crash down? How should i explain Hakuji it?" He said frustated, till he hear someone coming closer. "Explain something different. What just happend afterwards?" This question took him by surprise. What did he mean afterwards? He smiled a little. It was a unsure smile. "I past out and had a nightmare. What is there to explain?" Hakuji shaked his head. "Thinking you dreamed again? You almost killed youreself and attack me and Keizo-kun as we tried to calm you down. Suddenly, you pointed youre katana on me." This surprised him and he thinks. "This can't be true. There were two demons. Not you nor Keizo." Hakuji came closer. "Explain the wound on youre neck then." As he said it, he stroke with his finger and noticed a bandage. He then realized, he mixed dream and reality again, wich was more pityfull than just being crashed down and saved. "But both of you were demons. You can't say you looked like humans and i never halluzinated befor." He argues back. "In conclusion, this can't be right." Hakuji sighed. "Youre right and thats worries me more. I agree Keizo. You should not fight against demoms at all. It's not good for youre contition at all." This was a message that shocked him. "What do you mean i should not fight demons?" He asked and tried to stand up, looking him in the face. "I trained many years, like you. I can't just stop just because you said it." His smiled dissapeard and he waits for a response, but question something. "And what do you mean condition? As if i have an illness." Now Hakuji looked quite angry. "You have an illness. Youre master noticed it befor and even Muzan knows, that something is not right with you. You can't tell dreams and reality apart. This is not normal and many more. Enmu, Keizo-kun and i are worried. Why can't you see, that this might just the start from something bigger?" He asked and Enmu tilted his head to the side. "I know my body and mind pretty well and i don't think it has something to do with fighting demons. This was not the first one i fight. But when you don't want be to train anymore than to so. I can train alone too." Hakuji looked at him ammnd sighed. He just can't kick him out and leave him for himself and Enmu knows it, that he won't do that. "Fffine. Now go back to bed. Not that you get more injured." As he heard that, he smiled. "Why do we have to argue at first?" Hakuji rolled his eyes. "Youre stubborn. But you give me youre blade after a mission and training." He said and Enmu looked at him quite shocked. "This is not arguable. Deal with it." He has no energy for another arguement either. At least he can still train and keep his promise. "I think twice again, sending you to a mission alone now." He said but Enmu don't care anymore. The bed was comftobal and warm enough. All his thoughts were focused on how lucky he is right now. Nothing more.
Even when everthink breaks apart, he still finds enjoyment in his situation.

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