chapter 5

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Just like any normal kid, growing up, you always look up to the adults and even if Enmu was everthing but a normal kid, he did the same when he was younger. All the men are big and have wide shoulders, he thought for a second. He was a clueless 11 year old boy, who got is hairends cut, as he looked to the sky. "Enmu, please don't move youre head too much." A old man said, turning his head forward, befor the boy could even react. He looks forward now, befor looking down on the hair on the ground. It was mostly pink cause is ends are pink, befor it goes to a dark black, but this was not the reason he looked down. At first, it was just a black but after some time, it grow or fade into these two colors, wich made him wonder about the previouse topic, he thought about. "My hair suddenly changed when i grew older. Does my whole body does it?" The man giggles, as he put the scissor away and brushed it. "Well usually it should not changed in such a young age or in these color at all. But who knows, what gene are causing it, but yeah, the body going to change when you hit a certain age." He explained,stroking his hair gently from his face. Enmu looked to him quite surprised. "How? I wanna know, what will happen." He demented and the man can't help but laugh, as he stand up. Enmu quickly follows him but then he turns around, as he got back with a paper. He put it on the table and Enmu get himself a chair. His growspood did not came yet, so he was still too small most be time, but his attention was on the paper, as he drew something, that looked like a triangle at first, but as he drew more, Enmu could see a man. "When boy's grew older, they grew facial hair on the chest but most important on the face. They shoulders also get wider and the muscles grew bigger." Enmu was facinated as he drew it on the triangle figure. "Only hair on these parts?" He asked, as he drew the hair and his mentor shaked his head. "No. But there a three main spot, were the hair growing is more intens. Befor you ask, you too young for the third now, so i won't answer any questions about it." Enmu tildet his head confused, befor pointing on the drawing. "But why do you talking about men only, when it comes to shoulder and muscles? What do the girls get, when they grew older?" The man drew another picture and at first, it looked like a fruit, a pear, but then Enmu saw, that it was another human. "Well, back then and today, woman have to give birth and so it gets easilyer, they get wider hips, wich made they thigs seem bigger. And since back then, it was to the man to protect the familie and it is today still and the woman takes care of the children, they have smaller muscles than the man do." The boy find it facinated, how different, the two are, yet they seem to fit they purpose. "Of course youre body don't decide youre lifestyle and everyone is shaped different. Keep that in mind." He add, but Enmu pointed at the man drawing. "I can't wait to grow into it." The man smiled, as he saw him so happy. "I know." He simply replied.

He doesn't need to wait long though. His grow spood startet with 15 and he grow into a good 1.68, but he noticed, that this was not the only thing, that grow. He checks his waist. It was still the same, but as he checks his hips and thigs, he noticed that they were wider. His shoulders are not that noticable, wich confused him. "No, thats not right." He mumbled and checks the drawing from 4 years. He can remember the words correcly. Boys grow wider shoulders and muscles and girls wider hips and tighs, but why is this not his case? "What are you thinking about?" He heard the sudden question and turned around, seeing his mentor. "Explain this." Enmu pointed at his thighs. "They noticable wider than they should. But the parts, that should be for a boy, are not growed that much. How come?" He ask irritated and also frustated. "It should not be like this." The man sighed. He noticed the changed too but he did not thing it will turn into such a big deal for him. "The shape are not just cause of youre gender but also on the genes youre parents gave you and perhabs, youre mother had really strong genes." He explained but Enmu rolled his eyes. "Why from all genes them from my mother? I am a man. Why can't my body be like these, of other man too? Womans want a strong looking and handsome man and besides, wider hips are for birth. I'm a man. My organs and body are or is not made for caring a baby and pushed it out, so they hips are uneccesarily." He explained annoied, but the man smiled and stroke his hair. "Enmu, you grow into a beautiful young man. Yes, most men have wider shoulders but youre beauty is extraodrinary and special, just like you and it fits youre more than being like the other." He said smiling. "Youre were never like the others. Not with youre haircolor, nor with youre personality. Youre a more fragil, yeah, but youre still a young man. So don't be frustated about the unplanned growed. There is woman out there who find it attractiv. And i think, you still look like a men." Enmu thinks and sighed. He got a point and maybe it was not so bad after all. But still, it don't feel right to look like this. It makes no sense for him, why it grow like this.

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