chapter 3

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It was a morning like everyone else for Enmu.
He sleeped deeply, till he heard a knock. "Youre still sleeping." He seemed annoyd, but it was nothing new for him. He rolled himself in his blanket , not wanting to wake up now. It was so comforbal here. "Give me five minutes." He replied and the man sighed. "Typical. Did you forgot, what day today is? I give you a little hint. Today is april, the 4th. Do you remember now?" He was a little irritated by his questions, but still too tired to think too much about it, so he remains clueless. "It's youre birthday." Hakuji now said and shaked his head. "Birthday? I gratulated this person later." He mumbled tired and rolled away and Hakuji can't help but smile. "Youre really tired. Youre seventeen now." Now he was more confused and wants to correct him, until he checks, what he tried to say to him. He wakes surprised up. "4.april it's my birthday. I'm seventeen now." His smiles turns into laugher. "Took you a while. Happy birthday, you dreamer." He nooded as, he pat him on the shoulder. "But i'm curious. What was on youre mind, that it took so long to realize it?" He grin as this question came. "Trains. Beautiful and stunning trains." He sighed. "Sometimes, i think you don't have thoughts on youre mind but only trains." His grin got wider. "You could say it like that. And when i don't have trains on my mind, i have my little phantasize. Seeing others in pain, feeling pain." He keeped teeling, till he got stoped and handed out a present. "I know, i know. Youre little phantasized. Let's talk about youre present instead. I hope you like, what we picked. But wait a little. Koyuki-chan and Keizo-kun wanna see youre reaction too. They picked it too, you know." He nooded and ran his finger across the paper. He was curios but also wonders. "What about Nakichen?" He asked with a little bit of hope. "She is on a mission, but she made you a little surprise." It was kind of dissapointing, but he was curios, what Nakime did for him. Is it because it was his birthday? He really enjoyd it, when she showed some kindness torwards him. But he don't see a problem when she would ignore him either. "Happy birthday." Befor they even entert the room complety, Koyuki felt on his arms and wrapped him in a big hug. It took him by surprised and he looked up to Keizo. "Congrats on youre 17th. A year older now. How do you feel?" He ask, smilling to him. Enmu thinks a bit. "To be honest, i forgot my own birthday. I was busy." He smirked. "Busy with what?" "Thinking about trains and stuff. With stuff, i meant more trains." He replied, going away from the hug and looked at his gift. "Go on. Open it." Hakuji said, holding his girl in his arms. He don't need to say it twiced. He ripped off the paper and the next minute, he has a diary in his hands. "A diary?" He ran his finger over it, smilling. "It's pretty, but why do i need one?" Was his first question but a crow enters the room. A specific crow, who knows Enmu too well, landing on his head. "Trust me, you need one. It's a good gift." She crowed and the yound man smiled. "Tami. Even you rememberd it." Tami nooded. "Of course i do, krah, and i am not surprised that you manage do forgot youre own birthday." She replied and pick his streak. "If youre head weren't youre body, you would forgot it yoo." He giggles at this reaction. "How rude of you. Now then. You said, Nakichen did something for me?" He asked with a glitter in his eyes. He was now more than curios, what she made him. Keizo turned away for a second. "I knew you would ask about it. Here." He hand him a plate with 5 Mochis on it. "She made you them for youre birthday." He looked at this plate and was more than surprised. They look so deliciouse and tasty. She rememberd that he liked sweet things. Enmu took one and bite into it, analysing the taste, befor he feel a tingle feeling on his body and his smile got wider. "Berry Mochi's. She rememberd that i like berry and made them for me." He could explote from this taste and kindness. It was so good. He hears the other laughing but the taste was more important now. "Welp, i have to train now." Hakuji said, gave Koyuki a kiss a stroke Enmu's hair. "You can take a day of today. But only because it's youre birthday." Was his words befor leaving. Enmu looked to him and gave Koyuki the plate. "Can you hold it? I need to brush my hear and make myself ready. Tami lands on Koyuki and waits. He was really happy now. This day startet just really good. Nakime wasn't there but the Mochi was really good. "What a day today." He said and brushed his hair, looking in the mirror, but for a second, he saw something behind him. It looked like a demon. He turned around but nothing was there. "Wasn't there something?" He thought and still brushed his hair, but there it was and now he feels wachted. He looked around and only Yume was in this room. The cat sits on his bed and ckeaned themself, befor Enmu picked him up after he changed "Probably was just you." The cat reacts with a miaau, as he found himself in Enmu's arms. He was not ready for cuddling, so he jumped away, as he got the chances. Enmu ignores, what he just saw. Probably just overreacted. He goes back to Koyuki and took the plate and sits next to her. "Thank you." The young woman nooded and smiled. She was to weak to stand so she sits there. "Must be hard, to be sick." He thought loud and it irritates her, but he looks at her giggling, befor taking another bite. "I like to see, when you sickness takes over you." "Thats kind of rude." She replied but Enmu don't react to this. "Tami's off to fullfill her duty again?" He ask suddenly and took a bite. She nooded at this question and Keizo came. "Thats great. I have now both of you on my wacht. It could like this everyday." Enmu looks up confused. Why should he be wacht. He was not sick or a danger for everyone, but just shakes his head. Probably because, he is the youngest from the three Slayers, but he don't question it. He was more focused what he should make Nakime for a gift. But not for long, cause then he was sleeping. It was funny but also confusing for Koyuki but Keizo shakes his head. "Typicall." He replied and put the plate aside. "Always sleepy." It was not fully true. He was half asleep, but on the same time daydreaming. It was a good day.

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