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I shiver from the fear. I hate it. I just want out of here. I hate my abusive father. I hate my evil mother. I hate my rapist brother and hate my sister who don't even acknowledge me.

The slaps and whipping is coming again and again and I am taking it laying in the pool of my own blood.

And most of all....

I hate myself for not standing up for myself. I hate myself for being weak. I hate myself for not telling anyone when my step-brother raped me along with his friends when I was just sixteen. I hate myself for being the son of the man who does not give a shit about me after my mother died and married an evil women with her two perfect child. The golden children.

"You are such a pathetic man. Such a waste of breathe.I regret the day I had you in my arms. I just want you to be useful for once." My father spits out in anger.

"Just leave him george darling, he isn't worth it"
My step-mother said.

Yes my father is George Edward. The second most powerful man in the city. Because first are the Adams. And sometimes I think he takes out that anger of being the second best on me.

How is it my fault??

In front of the paps I am always wearing makeup and hiding the bruises on my body. In front of the world he is a perfect dad and maybe he is but not to me but to flex and Rana.

My father took the last whip on me and stormed out of the room saying something about me being bastard.

Well I am used to it now...

My stepmom Ella also looked at me disgustingly while leaving the room...

My stepsister also left the room but without sparing even a glance at me....

And my step-brother.....

I was hoping he would also leave but as always my whishes don't come true.

He came and crouch down to my eye level and said," oh god, you look hot covered in bolled you know I always had blood kink"


I tried to glare at him. keyword TRIED.

He laughed at my pathetic excuse of glare and stormed out of the room while laughing while I am lying there.

I got myself up from the floor and dragged myself to the bathroom of my room.

And after looking at myself in the mirror I slided down to the floor clutching my knees to my chest and started sobbing.

I cried at my misery...

I cried at my life...

I cried at the loss of love from my life......

I cried for myself for wanting all of this when I know I'll never get it.....

I just want someone to love me.

I just someone to give me comfort.

I just want someone to give me a life which I deserve.

But when I look into the mirror I just see a weak and pathetic man .

And who will want a man who can't protect her?

And how will I ?

How will I protect her when I can't even protect myself......

THE WRONG DEALWhere stories live. Discover now