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"A fifty million dollar Sexual Assault with claims of sex trafficking, and Racketeering, lawsuit has been filed in the state of Houston by the family of Ryan Irons. They've requested you as a state witness."

My attorney reached out to me about this lawsuit Ryan's family wants to file, almost two hundred pages of legal documentation about the logistics of Megan and her wife.

"No, I don't want any parts in this."

"You would be one of the states key witnesses, the homicide case has already gone cold, this is the best way to get justice for the family, for Ryan."

"I don't know anything or have any proof of sex trafficking."

"You worked for an escort service, that escort service is a gateway to the sex trafficking ring, you testify to its existence, it'll force the court and the FBI to look at its financial records. It will also tie Pete to the company since you were someone she paid services for."

"She can deny that."

"She can't, not with a dna test."

"NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT...You can ask anyone who worked as a call girl, there are plenty."

"What about the physical abuse? Megan Pete was physically abusive towards you and your unborn child, you almost died, there is proof of that, pictures, there is proof that a team of doctors transported you to a new county because of the danger."

"I'm not subjecting my child to this, her personal information, her life will forever be tainted by this. These are some powerful people, two beloved people in the black community- I....i can't, I won't. People will see this as a money grab, the public will take their side, no I'm not doing it. I wish Ryan's family the best but leave my name out of this lawsuit."

A moment

"Ryans lawyers discovered a sealed document from when Megan was nineteen, she was arrested for domestic abuse against her former girlfriend in their apartment. The girl claimed that Megan pulled a gun on her, the young lady maintained her claims until Megan met Beyonce, that's when she disappeared and said nothing happened and that her claims were fabricated."

"What? How is that possible?"

"She has a pattern of abuse, you weren't the first but you can be the last. I understand, I do, I'm a single mother who knows that the system is run by powerful people with lots of money. I work for you Ava so if you want nothing to do with this case then I understand, your reasons are valid... but what about your justice?"

Silence fills the space between us

"I'm going to email this over to you, read it and think it over."

I take a moment then collect my things so I can go home to the only thing that makes sense in this world, my daughter.

Ryan's funeral came and went, I sent her family my condolences but I wasn't expecting to be bombarded with this. I get home, see my baby then start fixing her something to eat for dinner, I've lost all my appetite, especially when my PTSD gets like this. I'm so thankful for my mother and sister, without them, I'd be screwed. I've been in the childcare system since I got my undergrad degree, I've seen the way these daycares treat some of these kids, especially kids with disabilities, a woman shot her husband when she found out he'd been inappropriate with the little girls at the daycare, what a woman, but I know better than anyone that she's blaming herself right about now.

Once I get Arya fed, she falls asleep next to me, cuddled into my left side, I smile. 

I open up my laptop then start reading through the documents, by page fifty-six I'm horrified by the things that are being stated, particularly on her side of the spectrum. Physical abuse, sexual exploitation, perjury, hostile work environment, threats with a weapon, amongst other things.

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