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**One Month Later


My life has been moving steady, especially since the new job. They're are very accommodating to my schedule, even though my mother takes care of Arya while I'm working, a sixty-year old woman is no match for a two year old toddler with so much energy.

Finding child care has been tough especially since I'm trying to keep my profile low until everything blows over. I did however find a private school that I love but the tuition is sixty-five thousand dollars a year. I don't have anywhere near that kind of money but I want Arya to have the best education and I want her in a safe environment.

I've also been speaking to Micheal over the phone over the last couple of weeks. After our lunch I gave him my phone number, I couldn't stop smiling after I left. Micheal is a film director in the states, his schedule is very demanding and so is mine but when we get free time, he calls to check in. I've never had that before, when a guy just calls to tell you that he's thinking about you even when he's working.

Last week he asked me on a date, I didn't give him a definite answer because I didn't think I was ready but I'm done with depriving myself of new friendships because of my past.

We have a date planned for this Friday, it's been a while since I picked out a dress for a specific occasion, even though we aren't planning on getting serious anytime soon I'm still very nervous.

While I was in Houston I re-connected with Teyana, she's coming in later today to visit the city and me. She and Odell are the only two people that I trust right now.

**Later that Day

Teyana has just arrived with her two adorable girls, Junnie and Rue, it didn't take them and Arya to start playing in her room, I check on them then pour the both of us a glass is White wine.

"So what have you been up to, this place is so beautiful, I may move over here, you know I'm attending fashion week."

"I just started working, I've honestly just been trying to find a place that feels right for us, things have been coming together."

"A little birdie told me that Mrs. Basset wants you to take over the practice, is that true?"

"We've spoken about it."

"Are you going to say yes? You'll have the job of your dreams and Arya will have great child care with the private schooling in Houston."

"No, I can't."

"Ava? If you say that you can't because of her then you are letting her win. There are things that you can do so she doesn't interfere, the entire world heard your story-

"Yes and that same world has been sending me death threats, God forbid I move back to Houston and they find out about Arya. I'm not subjecting my daughter to that."

"I understand, I do. I'm not saying you should take the job but you need to take your power back, and that's when you'll have peace. If you need anything; I'm here to help, even if it's just a play date with the kids."

"Thank you Teyana, you don't know how much I've just needed a friend."

"So have you picked out a dress yet for this date?" I blush at the thought of Micheal

"Yes I have a few options but nothing too sexy, I don't want to think I'm leading him on."

"With the ass, titties and lips you're carrying, he'll have no choice. That baby weight did you good and your body is perfectly toned, that man is going to be on you like black people eating rib tips."

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