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*Two Weeks Later


Arya is hyped up this morning for her doctor's visit. I needed time to get her appointment in today before work because it's going to be a busy week.

I started a new job a week ago, I got hired at a local family therapy facility, it's not the pay that I'm accustomed to but it keeps me from digging into my savings.

Arya's routine check-ups are always good. The doctors are able to see us as soon as we walk in. The appointment last no longer than an hour, the nurse gives her some candy but she's already to hyper this morning.

I take her back to my mother, kiss her goodbye then head up to my office to start my rounds. I have five patients lined up today to see.

I go to the first patient room, I walk inside and I'm greeted by a guy and a little boy, his looks catches me off guard, he's a beautiful man."

"You must be Ava, I'm Micheal." I shake his hand to greet him.

"Yes, Is this your nephew? Jordan?"

"Yes, this is him."

"Hello Jordan, I'm Ava, it's so nice to meet you."

"Hi, my name is Jordan."

"Hello Jordan, how are you today?"


I can see that he's a little shy which is perfectly normal. To make sure I'm effective as possible I normally ask parents to step out of the room so that kids don't feel pressured to do anything.

"Micheal would you mind standing on the other side of the glass, you can watch from there, it's part of procedure."

"Of course; hey lil man, I'll be right outside okay?"

Micheal leaves out then I start the exam, I try to stay focused but that man is beautiful, Tyler knew exactly what he was doing. I push my fantasy thoughts to the back of my mind and continue with the exam.

I play a little game with him to get him more comfortable and he loosens right up. We go through a series of test, I check out his muscle functions, posture, and verbal call back. Once the test are completed, I give to my assistant to make copies. I wave for Micheal to come back inside the room.

"How was it lil man?"

Jordan continues looking and playing with the ball I gave him earlier.

"I've never seen him like this, not with other people besides me or his mom. I was watching you from behind the glass, you're really talented at what you do."

"Thank you, school paid off for me."

"Maybe the statistics of it all but the instinctive and comforting trait you have, that's all you. Angela was right when she said you were the best." I smile at his compliment, I can't help but to notice his eyes lingering on me, maybe I'm just dreaming because I haven't been with anyone in almost three years.

"How do you know Mrs. Bassett, she didn't tell me how the two of you met."

"She's my college roommate chad Godmother, he became my best-friend in college, she always looked out for me."

His eye lingers start again,one of the nurses knock on the door which breaks the eye contact.

"So I'm going to diagnose Jordan today with level two cerebral palsy. His muscle and body function are in that stage. He'll need constant help when walking up stairs or non-flat grounds. His speech is developing on the right track. I do however want to keep a close eye on his behavioral abilities, specifically around large crowds."

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