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Three months later

Houston Texas Judicial Court

"Your testimony will be sealed under court orders, your personal information will also stay sealed, your our surprise witness, don't let their lawyer get into your head. She is sharp and she will attack your character every way possible but don't let it get to you."

I'm here today with Ryan's family and their attorney, once there was evidence that was found to be foul play and was tracked back to Megan and her wife, they called me in to testify to the things Ryan told me that night. I told them that I wouldn't but Ryan deserves justice, what happened to her was sick and I know that black had something to do with it, speaking of black, he's missing.

I agreed to testify one day then I'm getting on a plane back to Paris, in and out, I don't plan on staying here. Odell showed up with me today for support, Chloe however I feel has been untruthful with me this entire time. I know her ties in this is deeper than I think so it's best that she stays far away for this one.

Even with all the horrible things that they're being accused of, my heart didn't start racing until they mentioned that Megan and her wife would be present today. The trial has been complete mayhem with people filling up the streets by miles and police escorts.

Another Prominent figure in the Black community are being accused of heinous things but they've fooled the media into thinking that Ryan's family are just trying to find someone to blame and get money. Politicians, Celebrities and CEOs have all publicly supported them through all the allegations, this world is beyond sick.

I thought I was ok but the moment I woke up I was bending over a toilet at the thought of seeing her, the last time I laid eyes on her she tried to take my life.

My only request that if I testified would be that my identity remained a secret, I'm not here for anything other than to tell the truth.

"Here you go." Odell hands me a cup of water, I take slow sips but it quenching my thirsts but doing nothing for my heart about to blow up my chest. "You don't have to do this if you're not up to it."

"I'm here now, there's no turning back."

"Ms. Brown they will be ready for you in ten minutes, you'll be the closing witness, do you want to go over any questions again?"

"No, I just want to get it over with."

"Ok, let's go."

I walk with the family's lawyer to the huge brown court room doors, when they open I feel like time is moving slow. I walk down the aisle to the front, the only thing I can hear is the sounds of my heels hitting the floor and whispers from people in the seats.

Once I'm sworn in I sit in the chair on the stand. I feel every eye in here on me, I try my best to look confident but the truth is that I'm a wreck.

"Can you state your name for the record?" The judge asks

"Ava brown."

Dead silence occurs until a woman in a perfectly tailored red suit walks up to the stand to start her questions. I can see the shadow of Megan and her wife in my peripheral. I try my best not to look that way.

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