A Scare In The Middle Of The Night - Part 2

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"Nathalie? Where are you? Are you awake?" Gabriel shouted through the empty appearing mansion.

"Father? What's wrong? Let Nathalie sleep, please. Can't you leave her alone so she can eventually recover?" Adrien whisper-yelled from his own room, the door only a small bit opened.

"Go back to sleep, Adrien. This is important. I promise I won't do anything to make her condition worse. Quite the opposite, to be honest. I might be able to find a person who can cure her." The tall man ordered while he continued his way up the stairs.

"If you say so." The boy wasn't convinced. But his father didn't even listen and slipped into Nathalie's room.

There, he sat down on the mattress and placed one hand on the back of hers that was lying on the duvet.

"Nathalie?" He spoke softly.

"Mh? Oh, you! Leave me alone. Leave us all alone!" She spat.

"It's me, Nathalie. The real me. Not the evil one. According to your reaction, you met a rather bad version of myself. But I am back, and I have been in a universe where..." He gulped.

"Where what? Was it 'his' world? Where he treated everyone, especially me, like dirt and didn't care about my death at all?" Nathalie asked with a trembling voice.

Gabriel closed his hand around his assistant's.

"I was lucky and didn't wake up in 'his' world. But I am very sure if the Gabriel who I replaced for the last couple of days, was in that one's reality, finding out that you were about to die or even had died, it would have been rather traumatising to him. The universe where I have been, well, their Gabriel and their Nathalie were married, they were having their second child, and they were happy. And my other self had given up everything to be able to find a cure for your counterpart." Without even noticing, he had started to cry as he spoke.

Nathalie reciprocated his hold onto her hand and squeezed his back.

"I knew what I was exposing myself to when I used the miraculous, Gabriel. There is no need to regret or pity me. I chose to do that."

He swallowed heavily, then lifted her hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it very tenderly.

"That's not the only reason why I am crying, Nathalie. I woke up in the middle of the night, seeing you beside me and was shocked at first, then the other Nathalie told me to put my arm back around her and hold her warm because she was freezing. Then..." Gabriel paused and took a deep breath. "Then she placed my hand on her stomach, and I could tell that she was pregnant. She also informed me that she could finally feel the baby kick. I was completely thunderstruck at first. Then, I just held her to not endanger the pregnancy. In the morning, she already had figured out that something had happened and knew I wasn't 'her' Gabriel. But..." He took another break and looked at her intensely.

"B-But?" Nathalie stuttered, not sure what he was about to say.

"But... I have to admit that I really liked the feeling. And the idea itself. And... I figured out how to heal you, Nathalie. And I want to do that. I want to save you, Nathalie. And I want all the other things as well. So tell me, would you like that too? And don't get me wrong, I will do whatever it takes to save your life, dear. But I'd really prefer if you wanted to be with me as much as I want to be with you." Gabriel's voice was husky and barely audible.

The young assistant gulped. 

"Gabriel, where is all of this coming from? Certainly not because you saw a different Nathalie in a different universe live a life with an obviously 'very' different Gabriel Agreste. Because I don't think that trying to live another family's dream is a good basis for anything!" She then said rather coldly.

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