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Of course they both bought far too much stuff. But once they had gotten started there was no way to stop them. Nathalie took care of clothes and sheets for their beds and all sorts of things they truly needed. Like washcloths, towels, special soaps and shampoo, foam baths and so on. And of course she went to a pharmacy and got some more ointment for all three infants' lower regions, where they had that red, wet rash from the wet and dirty diapers. Also some vitamins and minerals to mix into their food as she wasn't sure if her sister had always fed them the correct amount of baby food or formula. She had once seen for herself that Charlotte gave all three the same sort of formula, because she had forgotten to buy the other ones. She had been lucky that Nathalie had noticed and stopped her, because the back then only two weeks old baby could have gotten severe stomach issues from the one year old's milk.

That was when she remembered that they needed new bottles and a good and well balanced formula for the baby and more regular food for the older boys. Especially the three year old didn't need a bottle to go to sleep. It would only cause his teeth to get caries.

They returned after hours of shopping with two very tired toddlers who were almost asleep when the car stopped in front of the stairs. Smiling Gabriel lifted both boys out of their seats and carried them inside, first Michel, then Henry, while Nathalie brought the seat with Louise. The Gorilla meanwhile had put the boys' beds together and was now helping to bring all the stuff they bought into their rooms. Only the baby's things went into Nathalie's bedroom, except for the changing table which they set up in her bathroom.

"Crap!" The young woman hissed when she looked around. "We forgot the new mattress for the cot!"

Gabriel too looked around.

"Yeah, you're right. What now? I really don't want to let her sleep on the old one."

Nathalie shrugged then suggested.

"I could just take her into my bed with me. I just need to figure something out to secure the other side, where nobody is sleeping, so she can't accidentally roll over and fall off."

The tall man blushed and cleared his throat audibly. Twice.

"Maybe, I mean... if you wouldn't mind... I, uhm, I could spend the night in here and secure the other half of the bed. Just to be on the safe side. I would never..."

He didn't speak any further because he had seen the look on Nathalie's face. Yet she pretended to not feel anything and answered as stoically as possible.

"Well, if you were okay with it, I would gladly accept your offer. Like that we could both watch out for her." She yawned from the mere thought of going to bed.

Gabriel smiled and laid a hand between her shoulder blades.

"I suggest, we call it a day and go to sleep early. How about I tuck the boys in so you can get ready for bed in the meantime and then I'll go and get changed before I come to be the security wall on this part of you bed?" He pointed at the large free space on her mattress.

"Sounds great. There's just one flaw. Where do I lay her down for the time I'm changing?"

He laughed softly, then proposed.

"Just leave her in the seat for the moment. I am sure you can get her ready for bed in your pyjama as well as if you were still in your work clothes."

"Funny!" She gave back, the little teasing in his tone not going unnoticed.

The toddlers were already passed out and didn't even wake up when he changed their diapers, put on some of the ointment and changed them into their new onesies. Then he tucked them in tenderly and just as he did with baby Adrien kissed their foreheads.

"Sweet dreams, my boys." The words slipped his mouth before he even was aware of what he said. A soft laugh from the door startled him and he quickly looked towards it to see Nathalie standing there, watching him in only a shirt and a pair of shorts. He tried to find an excuse and opened his mouth to explain when she shushed him.

"Don't, I understand you. Just come. The young lady has also passed out already, but she certainly will wake up again in the night. Good thing the boys ate enough at the bistro so they hopefully will sleep until morning. I left her on the bed with only pillows around her so I don't want to stay away for too long. And Gabriel?"

"Hm?" He had reached her and was now standing directly in front of her, looking down to the slightly smaller woman. Nathalie gulped, becoming aware of how close he all of a sudden was.

"I-I just... I wanted to thank you again for doing that. My mum was totally overwhelmed too when I called her to inform her. She asked me to say thank you from her as well. Charlotte won't be so happy I think, but right now I give a shit. I am sure it's the first time that this little girl isn't wearing wet nappies for the night."

She sighed and lowered her head. Gabriel reacted out of instinct and placed two fingers under her chin to make her look at him.

"Stop blaming yourself, Nathalie. It wasn't your fault and it wasn't your responsibility to begin with. So stop feeling guilty for taking care of the situation and bringing those children to a safe place. Okay?" He told her encouragingly while his hand slowly moved from her chin to her jaw and cupped it gently.

"Okay!" She nodded to notice by doing that where he had placed his palm.

She too followed her instinct and leaned into the touch. Gabriel stroked with his thumb over her cheek, then ever so lightly along her lower lip. Nathalie started to tremble from this faint touch and tried to take a step back. But the man automatically followed and made a step forward. They did that a couple of times, until the female's back hit the reiling and she felt like falling over it and grabbed Gabriel's shirt while he quickly put an arm around her waist. She gulped.

Her boss was trembling and hissed angrily.

"Will you stop doing that before you get hurt? What the fuck are you scared of?"

Nathalie wanted to look to the floor and let go of him but he still had her face in his hand and his arm, which was holding her taut against him, kept her in place.

They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. His grip around her softened and got tighter at the same time when he, instead of holding her to keep her from falling, gently pressed her to his chest. When he started to slowly lean in, her eyes fluttered closed, as did Gabriel's, when all of a sudden the doorbell rang without stopping and woke all three children who immediately started to cry.

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