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They jumped apart, Nathalie rushing to calm the baby and the toddlers again, while Gabriel made his way to the monitor of the surveillance camera to see who was bothering them.

Nathalie followed, Louise and Henry in her arms and Michel clinging to her leg. She took a short glimpse at the screen and groaned.

"Charlotte!" She then squeezed through gritted teeth. Through the intercom she asked snidely.

"What do you want?"

The obviously drunk woman looked around to see where the voice was coming from, then said with a slurred speech.

"I'm here to get my kids. Just let me in and let me take them home with me!"

About to say something else, Nathalie felt Gabriel's hand on hers, stopping her from pressing the button to speak. Instead he pushed a different one that opened the front gate and let her enter the premises.

"I would prefer to discuss this without the audience!" He explained as he pointed his head at the still with people filled streets.

"Oh, of course. I didn't think..." She started to apologise but was interrupted.

"It's okay. Come, let's get this over with."

With that he took the baby from her and placed her in his arm so Nathalie only had to carry her nephew. With the now free hand she held the older boy's little one and together they walked downstairs and towards the entrance door.

After opening one half of the heavy, two winged mahogany door, they looked down at the wasted woman at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hello my babies!" Charlotte shouted, thinking she was being sweet.

The toddlers pressed their little bodies closer to Nathalie's, scared by their mother's outburst.

"Will you lower your voice, Charlotte? You're not only drawing attention, you're also scaring your 'babies'!" Nathalie scolded her.

Her younger sister gave her a contemptuous look.

"What gave you the right to take my children with you? If you want kids, just have some of your own! But to do that you would have to find a guy who was willing to fuck your uptight cunt!"

She broke into a guffaw, thinking she said something hilarious. Gabriel had seen Nathalie's expression and how very much her sister's words had hurt her and his anger grew. He looked down at the female and said as calmly as he could.

"If you had been capable of looking out for your children, Nathalie and I wouldn't have seen the need to get them out of this toxic environment. I'd prefer to have this conversation when you're sober. Maybe then you can be reasonable. Right now I can tell that all you want to do is cause trouble."

The drunk woman stumbled forward, tripping over the first stone step and barely caught herself with her hands.

"You have five minutes to get the kids into my car and then I will take them home with me! Move!" She yelled while waving through the air with both arms.

Gabriel reacted still controlled yet his anger was audible in his voice.

"I certainly won't let you take any of those children with you. Neither on foot nor in your car. You are beyond drunk and in no mental state to look out for them or even be capable of getting them to your place without doing any harm." To Nathalie he whispered. "Go inside and call the police. Ask them not to cause a scene but to come here and just be present. Usually that is enough for most people to give in without the officers needing to intervene."

WIth a deep intake of air and another look at her sister, the young woman took Louise back and brought all three infants inside to do as she was told.

Charlotte wailed after her.

"Nathalie you little slut. Now I get it. You want to get your boss to fall for you by using my poor little babies. You despicable whore. Taking advantage of innocent children to get laid for once in your pathetic life!"

Not able to keep the sob that emanated her throat contained, Nathalie slammed the door shut and rushed into her and Gabriel's office.

The careless mother's last words had made Gabriel furious and he was now slowly walking down to her, taking each step purposefully to make a deeper impression on the woman.

"I want you to leave now and never return, except for returning to apologise to Nathalie. Maybe you don't care about any qualities in a man, other than finding him in some bar and him being as drunk as you are and willing to 'fuck' a pathetic, little bitch like yourself. I offered to take care of 'your' children, because the moment I saw them, my heart ached for them. Nathalie is a beautiful, sophisticated, intelligent woman and certainly doesn't need a drunk trollop's offspring to make a man fall in love with her. Let me give you one last advice. Sex and love aren't the same. Everyone can screw a random bitch like you without ever feeling a thing. A real gentleman needs a woman like your sister, who he can 'make love' to. And now I suggest for you to leave because the police should already be on their way."

Charlotte snorted through her nose, then cleared her throat noisily and spit towards his face, yet stumbled again and missed him by just a bit.

Gabriel laughed snidely.

"Don't make me do something we would both regret. Go! Now!" He threatened and made another step towards her, making the woman eventually realise the danger she was in and start to back away.

"You'll regret that!" She screamed while she staggered back to the pavement. She had barely passed through the iron gate when it shut right behind her. Knowing that Nathalie had been doing this and that she therefore had to be watching over the surveillance cameras, he looked towards the closest and smiled at her kindly. Then he walked back into his mansion and locked the door behind him.

Then Gabriel rushed into the office to find Nathalie clinging on to the three children, the older ones sitting on her lap, the baby on her shoulder and all three were crying. He wanted to lay his arms around them when the assistant looked up and shook her head.

"Not now. Not in front of the children. Let's get them back to sleep then we can talk!"

He agreed. Hesitantly and still concerned but he knew she was right. The things they needed to talk about were nothing for a three year old to hear. And even the younger boy was at an age where he could understand some of the stuff they needed to address.

"You're right. Desperate times need desperate measures, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that the boys would certainly like to get this one time opportunity to be allowed to watch a short video on the tablet before going to bed. What do you think, Michel, Henry? Would you like to watch a cartoon before going back into your beds?" He asked the toddlers with a carefully glimpse at Nathalie, hoping for her approval.

The look she gave him actually said it all. But she kept it to herself and nodded.

"Just this once!" She said sternly.

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