My dream girl

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Lisa POV

Everyone has that one person who seems like the perfect dream girl. Her smile, her laugh, her personality - everything about her seems so flawless and incredible. For me, that dream girl is Jennie.

I first saw Jennie in my history class during my sophomore year of high school. I remember the moment vividly, the way she walked into the classroom with such grace and confidence. Her long blonde hair cascading down her back, her piercing blue eyes shining with intelligence and curiosity. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

From that day on, I found myself looking forward to that history class every day, just for the chance to see her. I would try to find excuses to talk to her, whether it was asking for a pen or a piece of paper, anything just to have a few moments of her attention.

As the days turned into weeks and then months, I found myself falling deeper and deeper in love with her. Not just her physical appearance, but everything about her. Her intelligence, her wit, her kindness towards others, it all just added to her already perfect aura.

But as much as I wanted to get to know her, I was too scared to make a move. I was convinced that someone as amazing as jennie would never be interested in someone like me. I was just an average girl, not particularly athletic or popular, and I didn't have the confidence to approach her.

However, fate had other plans for us. One day, Jennie dropped her notebook in class and I was the closest one to her. Without thinking, I picked it up and handed it to her, our hands brushing against each other for a brief moment. She gave me a small smile and a thank you before walking back to her seat, but that simple interaction gave me the courage I needed to finally make a move.

That night, I sent her a message on social media just to say hi and that I enjoyed talking to her in class. To my surprise, she responded and we started talking. We quickly discovered that we had a lot in common and our conversations flowed effortlessly. Before I knew it, we were talking every day and I couldn't believe that someone like jennie was interested in me.

After a few weeks of talking, we finally went on our first date. I was so nervous, but as soon as I saw Jennie in person, my nerves disappeared. She was even more beautiful up close and her smile could light up a room.

As we got to know each other more, I knew that Jennie was my dream girl. She was intelligent, ambitious, and had a heart of gold. She was passionate about making a difference in the world and always saw the best in people. I admired her for her strength and resilience, and I knew that she was someone I wanted to be with forever.

On one of our dates, we were stargazing in the park and Jennie told me about her dream of traveling the world and experiencing different cultures. It was then that I knew I wanted to be a part of her dream. I promised her that one day, we would travel the world together and make unforgettable memories.

As our relationship grew, we faced our fair share of challenges. We went through tough times and had disagreements, but through it all, we always found a way back to each other. Jennie was my rock and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

Years passed and we graduated high school, both heading off to different colleges. We promised to make our long-distance relationship work, and we did. We would video chat every night and visit each other whenever we could. It wasn't easy, but our love for each other never faltered.

Finally, after four long years of college, we both graduated and were finally able to start our journey together. We traveled to different countries, experienced new cultures, and made so many amazing memories together. And through it all, Jennie never ceased to amaze and inspire me.

As our relationship continued to grow, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Jennie. So, on a beautiful autumn day, I took her to our favorite spot in the park, got down on one knee, and asked her to marry me. Tears streaming down her face, she said yes, and in that moment, I knew that my dream girl was going to be my wife.

On our wedding day, I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be marrying the love of my life. As she walked down the aisle towards me, I was filled with so much joy and gratitude. And as we said our vows to each other, I couldn't help but think that this was exactly how I always dreamed it would be.

Now, ten years later, Jennie is not only my dream girl but also my best friend, my confidant, and my soulmate. We have been through so much together, and yet our love for each other has only grown stronger. I am grateful every single day for having her by my side.Looking back at that history class during our sophomore year of high school, I never could have imagined that the girl I was so enamored with would become my everything. But dreams do come true, and Jennie is living proof of that. She is my dream girl in every sense of the word, and I am forever grateful to have her in my life.

The end

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