12 - Nickname (1.24k words)

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The man had an imposing frame that exuded confidence. Every muscle beneath his sleek, tactical gear was honed to perfection, hinting at his disciplined training.

He had a dangerously handsome vibe, with every sharp feature enhancing his mysterious allure. His short, tousled white hair contrasted starkly with his dark presence, making him even more intriguing.

Sensing my anxiety, Curtis moved before me, shielding me protectively, "Do you know who he is?" he asked, his expression grim.

"Yeah, that's Dickhead," I muttered, then relaxed my body. For a moment, I feared he had come to drag me back to my father. But if that were his plan, he wouldn't bother showing up in person; I'd simply disappear without a trace. Which meant only one thing, I had at least a few days left in this world to enjoy before I would be swifted away.

The "Dickhead" fixed me with a pointed look, and corrected me with an unmistakable hint of possessiveness, "It's 'fiancé', my precious. Try to keep up."

"Both sound the same to me. Both make me want to gag," I retorted, covering my mouth in a retching gesture for emphasis. My defiant actions seemed to embolden Curtis further.

Curtis glanced back at me, his eyes questioning, "Do you want me to kill him?"

Without hesitation, I responded, "Yes."

The jerk chuckled in response. "Did you get yourself a new pet, Yaya?" he taunted, effortlessly dodging Curtis's aggressive swipe.

"Curtis isn't my pet," I declared and stuck out my tongue to show off my spousal imprint in provocation, adding fuel to my words. "I've chosen him as my SOLE mate."

My declaration seemed to breathe life into Curtis, lending him a renewed burst of energy.

"I see." A dark gleam flashed in his beautiful blue eyes, eyes so piercing they seemed to deserve a dagger's touch. As he advanced towards me with deliberate steps, he effortlessly deflected Curtis's attacks without counterattacking.

He didn't need a weapon; his body movements alone screamed combat expertise. Every dodge and parry was performed with precision and grace, showing that he had mastered his skills to the point where he was the weapon.

In the thick of the confrontation, Curtis unleashed his full power, a stunning display of force and aggression. His half-man, half-snake nature granted him incredible speed and brutality. He struck with overwhelming ferocity, his movements quick and lethal, enough to overpower any ordinary opponent.

Yet, the jerk danced around Curtis with almost surreal ease, a clear master at conserving strength while dodging every attack effortlessly.

The battle intensified when Curtis, fueled by frustration and a fierce protective instinct, shifted into his full serpent form. It was a sight to behold: he grew into a massive serpent, his scales glistening menacingly in the dim light. His presence dominated the space, radiating raw, untamed power. Now at his largest and strongest, Curtis was both majestic and terrifying.

But even Curtis's dramatic transformation did little to sway the battle. Undeterred by Curtis's monstrous size, the jerk continued to dodge each attack with almost mocking ease. He moved with otherworldly agility, weaving through Curtis's onslaughts as if he were made of air. Each fluid step made Curtis's ferocious strikes look clumsy by comparison.

It seemed as though the jerk wasn't just dodging Curtis's attacks; he was masterfully commanding the battlefield. Despite Curtis's fearsome form and immense power, he appeared almost laughable in comparison. Here, brute strength was matched against wraith, highlighting a battle where tactics triumphed over sheer force.

Gritting my teeth in frustration as he drew closer, I turned and sprinted away. But, with astonishing speed and precision, he intercepted me, effortlessly catching me in his arms. It was clear he had been holding back during the fight. Every ounce of energy he conserved seemed perfectly timed for this moment, ensuring that when he finally made his move, it was with certainty that he left me with no chance for escape.

He clutched my neck, turning me to face Curtis's direction, his grip a menacing warning. It was clear that any move from Curtis would result in my neck breaking in two, a silent but deadly threat that hung in the air like an unspoken ultimatum.

As he held me close, he buried his nose in my hair, inhaling deeply. I could feel his body, pressed against mine, shaking slightly - a subtle, almost imperceptible tremor that betrayed a depth of emotion or perhaps a restrained intensity that his composed exterior did not reveal, "Should I mark you like him? Make you undeniably mine too?" he asked himself rather than myself, his voice barely audible against the backdrop of his slight trembling.

"Let her go!" Curtis hissed, his voice laced with a cocktail of emotions - fear of losing me, desperation to protect me, and the torment of feeling helpless in that moment. His eyes mirrored the turmoil within, a fierce protector facing the possibility of his greatest failure.

The fingers around my neck gently stroked my skin. His hold gradually tightened until it became unbearable, and I struggled to breathe. "I could take you right here, right now, in front of him. That way, he would have to watch as you submit to me, screaming my name."

"F.U.C.K. Y.O.U." I spelled out every syllable, my words sharp as daggers, laced with all the contempt and defiance I could muster against his unyielding grip, "I will scream Curtis's name until my last breath."

Curtis hissed in response, his eyes flashing dangerously, his massive frame swaying ominously, and I knew his patience was reaching its limit.

The jerk smiled and loosened his hold on my neck; the sudden lack of pressure made me dizzy as I coughed and gasped for breath, "Are you on the way to that village, Precious?"

I nodded, knowing that my answer wouldn't have made any difference.

"Good. Why don't you head over there for some fun while I have a little chat with this Curtis?" he suggested calmly, "Don't worry, my Precious. I have no interest in killing your pet."

"And if I refuse?" I challenged, struggling against his iron hold. Physically overpowered, yes, but mentally? Not now.

He pressed his cheek against mine, the side of his lips touching the corners of my lips, a soft, gentle touch that seemed completely at odds with his current demeanor. "You'll do it regardless."

I glanced at Curtis as the jerk released me, "Don't trust a word that Dickhead says. It's a betrayal of our spousal bond if you do."

Then, without looking back, I sprinted towards the village.

╔═══ Author's note ════╗

A homicidal maniac, a groomer, who's next? A potential yandere, perhaps? 💀

The highly anticipated Muir will make an entrance next! Yay! 🎉

I used to scoff at the description of toxic dynamics in some books, but there are some gems that make you droll at the sexy bad boys. 🥲 From afar, of course. 🤣 I want to make Curtis and Muir even more complex and irresistible than in the novel, while still keeping their inner nature. 😈 I hope YY won't disappoint as the MC too much, as she'll have a hand in shaping their 'growth/downgrade'. 💀

I had so much fun writing this chapter but YY is such an unreliable narrator. 😭 I want to get into Curtis's head and write down his POV too. 😭

I love fluff, so this novel will contain plenty of it too. 😌


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