21 - Stupid Bird (2.06k words)

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╔═══ Author's note ════╗

Another lengthy chapter (longer than the previous by 200 words), just as you all requested. 😌


After finishing my business in the washroom, I moved to a less noticeable corner of the house and slumped to the ground for a rest.

Earlier, I could barely lean against Nivi's wooden bench and table in the dining room. Afraid it would not support my weight and break apart, I had to keep an uncomfortable position that took a toll on my bones and muscles.

My hands and feet touched the ground gently, feeling the strain in my body relax a bit. My wrists and ankles were red and sore, not yet used to the new load.

I didn't have many options. To roam around free, it was either these weights or the drugs that would suppress my powers. I often attempted to escape as soon as the weights lost their effects, but Vick would always manage to find me.

I took advantage of his feelings to get away a few times just to see him get into trouble with my father. Vick wasn't naive; he probably knew what he was doing all along, perhaps even intentionally letting me think I could outsmart him.

My father introduced several potential fiancés to me along the way. Still, only Vick managed to stay by my side without losing his sanity, which says quite a bit about his own level of craziness.

What made him even more annoying was his willingness to embrace pain, whether his own or someone else's, in order to get what he wanted.

Whatever beastman he was, he had to be a hella smart and twisted one.

Sensing a stir in the shadows, I quickly stood, only to find myself suddenly cornered against the wall by Muir. His arms framed me on either side, leaving me no way out.

I met his looming presence with a raised eyebrow. His attempt to intimidate me with those stunning blue eyes didn't even make me flinch.

Muir's face loomed closer, his eyes narrowing as he leaned in. "All you do is mock me, ridicule me, push me to become violent, just like those two you've chosen. Does it make you happy, seeing me this miserable? What more do I need to do for you to accept me like you do them?"

I maintained my composure, "I don't want anything, especially not from you...a stupid bird."

"You're playing a dangerous game," he whispered, his voice tinged with threat.

I chuckled softly, our hot breath caressing each other's lips, "Am I? Seems to me like you're the one who's getting played."

The intensity in his gaze could have melted steel, yet it only served to amuse me further.

"You underestimate me," he snarled, "Why did you give Nivi the necklace I gifted you?" he demanded, as if intimidation was the only way for me to take him more seriously.

"To prove a point," I replied, "It's to show you why Curtis and Vick never bother with gifts. They know better."

"Their words never seem to reach you until they do this," he paused, his nose brushing against mine, inhaling my scent deeply while attempting to control himself, his voice a hushed murmur, "Don't push me to demonstrate it."

Leaning forward, I gave a quick peck on his lips-more a stroke of audacity than affection ─ pretending to wrap my arm around his neck. I then swung it down hard, my weights striking his shoulder, "Stupid pigeon," I taunted as he fell to his knees with a painful groan, "Really, what can you possibly demonstrate with those pathetic feelings you've been nursing for me?"

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