{Chapter 1}

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There was news of humanoid creatures, wild monsters roaming around the city. Word spread like
wildfire. Civilians have gone missing, rubble of collapsed buildings, and mangled corpses were found
in the chaos. People started moving out of the state, as one by one went missing, the worry grew, and
for the unfortunate and idiots who stayed, at risk of becoming the next victim. Scientists have
investigated these foul creatures terrorizing lives who are just trying to get by. These creatures looked
similar to the ones who were snatched one mysterious day, but just more corrupt, almost like a
parasite’s taken over their minds and drove them completely feral, in the process changing their
bodies. But they couldn’t figure out what caused it, not even the greatest scientists could, it still
remains a mystery.

Town’s gotten a lot smaller then I can last remember, ever since the outburst in the news everyone’s
gone crazy. So overly paranoid, while I, Melody Shellstrop, have been here racking my last brain cells
trying to figure out how to pay for next month’s rent. My job gives me just enough to go by, and it’s
getting a little worrisome as the bills keep increasing in price and the paychecks don’t seem to be
enough anymore. The city’s economy is only getting worse, as more people keep leaving and no one
wants to move here, which makes sense. I recently started a second job, a part time job at a hospital as
someone who transports things and patients, and my usual one being a crafts teacher for a
recreational class, both these jobs taking place in the city. It takes a while to get there but it’s where I
can make more income.

• • •

I jolted in surprise, getting startled by my phone that started ringing, but quickly calming down. Seeing
the contact, Tyler, my brother, I picked up the call. “Hey bro, what’s up?” I say in a bit of a mumble,
somewhat exhausted from all the work and worrying news in the past month. “Hey Mel! Just thought I
should check up on my lil sis. How’s it going with everything? You know.. work? Just you in general.” He
paused, his excitement quickly turning into concern. “I’m.. worried about you.. you know. ..With
everything that’s happening.. and all.” I try to reassure his concern, though there isn’t exactly any good
news. “Tyler…” I said softly, continuing. “I’ve gotten another job to guarantee a steady income. I’m a bit
tired right now but I’m fine.. just came back home. ..I’m fine, really, you don’t have to worry about me.
What’s happening is in the city, not out here.” “But you work in the city!” He shortly remarked, worried.
He’s always been overprotective of me, it’s honestly sweet. “I’m fine. I haven't encountered one yet, and
there’s plenty of security in the area.” “I will be fine.” I try to reassure him again, speaking in a calm

I hear a defeated sigh on the other end of the line, a moment later he spoke up. “Just.. be careful...
Alright?” “I will. I will. ..You worry too much.” “I know. But still!” He protests. “Yeah yeah. ..So, what
about you? How’ve you been?” I ask, shifting the subject. “I’ve been good, though prices have increased
here too. Still working on getting enough money for your flight. ..Hope the parasite thing, whatever it
is, doesn’t come here too.” The tickets for my flight. ..Tyler lives over in Germany, while I’m in USA.
Since I only have enough income to pay for daily necessities and bills, I can’t move. So He’s doing his
best to earn enough to get me a ticket to Germany so I can leave this crappy country. “Let’s hope.”

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