{Chapter 7}

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I took another step back, as he unlocked my cell door, I started to panic. I stared at with a calm but
sinister smile. “Come on now, I’ve got plans for you, young one.” His calm but just, wrong, tone sent a
chill up my spine. I wanted to resist, but I saw no way out. He’d force me to follow whether I like it or
not, it was no use in fighting. He had guards here too he could use, for some more extra force. I was out
numbered. With a heavy short sigh I gave in, following. He seemed pleased, though he possibly wished
for some struggle, but this worked just as well. He had many others’ fear he could feed off of.

Walking behind the man, I felt everyone’s eyes on us, it felt like I was being judged, I hated it. Following
him, he led me to an elevator, and pressed on the button leading to the second floor. There was an
awkward silence waiting in the elevator, but the tension was high, at least coming from me, he was still
completely calm, maybe even delighted. It disgusts me. I was already giving myself a headache just
from all this dread produced by this one man.

Arriving on the second floor, I get led through the corridors. Everything had that facility, hospital vibe,
just.. worse, dangerous. Everything was white, harsh, and of course blinding lights, everything looked
the same. It was so big it almost felt like a maze. I could see this was the main part of the lab, as I saw
machines, blueprints, tools in one room, a few others.. kind of like surgical rooms. Lastly, we came to a
stop, having entered a room. There was already someone waiting there, it looked like someone
working for the man, probably an assistant. ..The room kind of looked like one of those dentist rooms,
with the big chair you sit on, and tools the dentist used on a tray, or maybe more of a surgical chair
with straps. There was a monitor in the room, though it was put to the side, and there was a computer
on the desk, along with a notepad and pen.

“Go on, sit.” He said, in a bit of a commanding tone, not looking at me as he was preparing something. A
syringe with some kind of black substance, and a jar with something.. moving, in it. It looked similar to
a spiny black urchin.. just that it was visibly moving.. like it was some kind of spider or…. ..Wait. ..Wait
no, no no no. This. ..This isn’t, it can’t be.

“...” I was nervous to ask anything, or do anything for that matter, it’d be best not to anger the man. But
I needed to know. “... Who.. are you? ..And what’s going to. ..happen.. to me..?” I ask in tone with worry
and fear, but there was an underline of interest evident. He just chuckles with a bit of amusement, that
makes me a bit confused, but then he answers. “I am the famous Branden White dear, the greatest
mind to exist, though my name will be none of the ímportance to you later. You’ll find out very soon,
young one.” His voice only grew more ominous, like he's going to do something really bad to me. I gulp,
but sit down in the chair. He came closer to me, rolling up my sleeve and tightly strapping me down,
making sure I couldn’t run away. My adrenaline spiked, and my eyes widened with fear, while still not
being able to break eye contact with him. “..You’re.. really not going to tell me.. are you? ..Hah..” I let outa light nervous laugh to try to ease up the tension. “Well what’s the point in ruining a perfectly good
surprise?” He chuckled as well, but out of that sick sinister amusement.

“Now then dear, shall we begin?” He beamed with a slight grin. “...Ra..r-rather not.. .H-hah.. .” I timidly
stutter in a mutter. He disinfected my upper arm, taking the syringe he carefully pushed out any air in
the syringe until the black liquid leaked out. Wiping the tip of the needle, I felt it penetrate through my
skin. It was just a little prick, but the second the fluid entered my bloodstream I already felt strange,
odd, and I didn’t like it whatsoever. I glanced to look at what this Branden guy was going to do next, as
he clearly wasn’t done yet.

“Alright Johnson, I need you to step in now. Hold her head still for me won’t you?” Dr White spoke to
the assistant in a more serious tone, who I forgot for a moment was even there in the first place. He
didn’t say much, though his face showed he’d rather be anywhere else than here. He just approached
me from the door frame, and did as he was told. My head was locked in place now, as White opened the
jar, taking out the black urchin looking thing with a pair of tweezers. He forced my mouth open, swiftly
placing it deep in my mouth. In a panic I squirmed, in hopes of possibly stopping this before it was too
late. My instinct was to instantly gag, cough, squirm some more, anything, but the thing crawled inside
of me and slid right down my throat before I could react. A chill went up my spine and goosebumps
appeared on my skin. Johnson let go of my head, and White quickly put away his things.

I felt the thing, the parasite crawling inside of me, filling my insides with its tentacles which I initially
thought were spikes. My body was flinching and my breathing quickened as tears began to form in my
eyes from the pure terror and trauma I felt. White injected me with another syringe, with a different
liquid. He then got the assistant to bring restraints, and he unstrapped me, getting me off the surgical
chair only to restrain me again but with strong iron chains. I didn’t pay much attention to what was
happening around me, as I was too focused on what the hell was happening to my body, and I could
feel myself slowly start to lose my consciousness. Everything soon started to become a blur, an event in
the background, and my vision soon faded to black.

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