{Chapter 5}

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I got off the bus, and started walking directly to my house. Even though my work was just 2 hours long,
and I didn’t have any time at the hospital, I felt tired. I looked around the small town as I walked, only a
few people passing by. So many have left, the city, and the town, it’s decreased half in population just
within this month. ..This place almost feels like a ghost town now, and it wasn’t any better knowing you
could get slaughtered at any moment. ..It used to be lovely, this little town. ..but now..? …I look around.
..It isn’t a place I want to live in anymore. ..I still haven’t gotten over that incident at the emergency
department. ..It haunts me. ..I almost feel guilty. Like I could’ve done something to change that
patient's fate. ..Even though I know there was nothing I could’ve done….

I suddenly felt a pair of firm hands grab me, snapping me out of my thoughts. My first instinct was to
kick this person, but as a dampened cloth was pressed against my nose and mouth, my vision slowly
started to fade as I soon fell unconscious…

• • •

I slowly started to regain my consciousness, my vision a bit blurry but slowly got clearer. “Mmh.. My
head..." I groaned in a mumbled, rubbing my forehead. I slowly sat up. Looking around I noticed I was
in clear danger. I had been thrown into a cold iron cell, upon a hall with many other cells lining the
wall. It was only now I paid attention to wails and sobs and painful screams that echoed like an
anguishing tune. I looked down at myself, as my expression soon shifted into dread. I was lying on the
floor, that seemed not to have been cleaned in years, as it reeked of dried blood, and I could see some
splatters on the floor and walls. There wasn’t even a proper bed, just the frame of one and a thin
mattress I’d hardly even call a mattress.

I still felt dazed and light headed. I wonder, Where am I? And what in the actual f##k is going on?!?!
Some slight panic started to set in and my stomach dropped as I soon realized the danger I was in. This
here wretched place, this didn't seem like no ordinary prison, The fact that some of these people didn’t
even seem human, and the blinding bright lights. This was some kind of testing facility, a lab, and we
were the lab rats. There’s no way this facility was run by the government, there would’ve been consent
asked or a contract to sign, which there wasn’t.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, but I did none of that as it would do nothing but waste time and
energy and add to the already deafening pleas of sorrow and desperation and agony—
. . .
. .

I’m spiraling again, aren’t I? …

Okay Melody, take a deep breath, panicking won’t do you any good. What can you do with the
information you have? And what can you plot to get the hell out of here?

I hear light calm yet calculated almost eerie steps fill the hall, each step echoing, as the screams went
silent, only the quiet whimpers of the terrified human experiments were heard in the background…

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