{Chapter 8}

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“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH—!!!” I screamed in excruciating agony when I woke up. My whole body was in
tremendous pain and shaking violently. My mind felt chaos, my body felt like it was on fire, my heart
felt like it was getting stabbed, and my body felt like it was tearing from inside out. My vision looked
kind of like static, everything looked so dark. My eyes darted around as I desperately scrambled off the
ground, but it felt impossible, the pain was too much. "ACK-! HEEEELP!! S-SOMEONE?!?! ANYONE?!?!
PLEASEEEE!!!" I cried in despair and desperation, my voice starting to sound more raspy as I tried to
call out for help, it felt more painful to speak too.

I felt like I was going insane. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t see. I couldn’t think. So many things were
happening all at once. It was all so overwhelming. I began to sob, falling to the hard cold pavement as I
couldn’t even keep myself standing on my knees and hands. I wasn’t in the lab anymore, or at least it
didn't feel like it. The air felt cool on my skin, and the air felt fresh to breathe in. “AHH!!” I screamed
once more, feeling like my back just bursted open. A warm liquid ran down my skin, I assumed I was
likely bleeding now too. I continued to sob, helplessly laying on the ground. I felt so confused and terrified. I was just somebody who wanted a better life. I was a good person wasn’t I? …The same
tragedy that happened to that boy is happening to me now. Why me..? What did I do to deserve this..?
…Is this my fault..? …Is this karma..? ..No, no, it can’t be. There was nothing I could’ve done to save him.
..Like how there’s nothing I can do to save myself. ..I’ll be lucky if someone can. ..Though I doubt it. ..It’s
too late for me now…

Melody cried for help one last time with the little spark of hope that was quickly dying, even
though she knew nobody would come.

B u t n o b o d y c a m e…
. . .
. .

Her body shifted and contorted into a monster like the others, the victim of a mad man’s experiment.
Melody felt herself get taken over by the ravenous beast within. The parasite had latched onto her
beating heart, and planted itself there, with its strings wrapping around her flesh and bones. Black
tentacle spider-like legs had sprouted out of her back, and her eyes had filled with oozing black
darkness. She was no longer in control of her own body, nor was she longer conscious to witness the
slaughter her body would serve.

Did she deserve this? No.

But does that mean there’s always a Happy Ending in life for everyone? No.

We were all once dumb, naive, and innocent as children, it’s only when we grow up we realize not
everything is all sunshine and rainbows. No. Life is much darker and messed up than we think. Though
that doesn’t mean there aren’t some good aspects to life. We cannot choose what happens to us, but we
can choose how to react to it.

But for this character, this is her fate, she was too late to try to alter it. What if she did something else?
What if she could’ve avoided this fate entirely? Well we can ponder about it all we want, but dwelling
on the past will only hold us back. What’s done is done, and we’ll just have to accept it.

His Next Experimentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें