{Chapter 6}

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The footsteps soon came to a halt, fiddling with keys and then a raspy squeak followed. It wasn’t long
before struggle was heard. “No!. Please. No. I beg! Have mercy!” The man in white did not listen, he
only smiled and let out a malicious chuckle, before dragging the person away with him. “Please!
Please!! PLEASE!!! HAVE MERCY!!!” The victim cried, but the man in white once again, did not listen.

After they were gone and out of sight, the others still did not dare speak a word. I was completely
frozen in my seat, utter shock and terror upon the sight had my breath in a cage. It was so quiet you’d
be able to hear a needle drop. There wasn’t even a single movement from anyone, not a single
whimper, nothing. Nothing for several seconds, though it felt more like ages. When little by little noises
returned to the hall, I let out my breath I’d been holding in.

What’s going to happen to that person? And who’s that man with the lab coat? It almost looks like he’s
running the place, judging by that demeanor and those calculated steps, enough to make everyone silent.
Whoever that was did not seem like someone you’d want to come across. That sadistic smile and those
cruel eyes, said everything. It didn’t help with my current horror, it only increased my dread ten fold. I
gulped, my shallow breaths hitch. This was only the beginning, and just thinking about it all made me
overwhelmed. I was alone, there was no one I knew, I was trapped in a jail cell, with some mad
scientist that’s going to use me as a test subject. … How am I even going to get out of here? Let alone
escape? I don’t even know where we are. For all I know this place could be out in Antarctica. .. What do
these people want with us? There are so many questions, which only few can be answered.

I search for anything I could use to escape with. A wire, paper clip, hair clip, any utensils?? I highly
doubt anyone’d just left a key here, people may be idiots but they’re not that stupid. I don’t wear any
hair clips, and I can’t seem to even find just a loose wire or anything to lockpick the door with. Checked
on the floor, under the bed, near the door, under the mattress, near the toilet, the sink, on the ceiling,
the barred window, the walls even, anywhere I could access and check, but nothing. I was found empty
handed. So that plan was busted, now what? … I guess I’ll have to wait and find out, observe the
others? See if I can find a pattern in the times when any people that weren’t the other prisoners came
and went, or when and what happened to each prisoner and try to predict who’s getting experimented
next?? … I’m a bit desperate here.. I haven’t even been here that long and I’m already starting to lose it.
But there’s nothing I can do but simply sit and watch, wait…

• • •

It was the next day. ..I couldn’t sleep all night. .. There was no way to see outside.. it was just when the
guards banged on the bars so we’d wake up. ..My body’s also aching now, the crappy bed I hardly call a
bed sucks sh#t. There’s been nothing to do at all but get bored out of my mind, and just by that I feel
like I’m going crazy. I’m questioning how the hell some people here are still semi sane.

Hours had passed. I was still lying on the mattress, having nothing better to do, whilst trying to ignore
the overall apparent negativity in the atmosphere. Deep in my thoughts, I didn't notice the silence once
again, it was only when a pair of footsteps grew louder I realized another one was going to be taken.
Curiosity gets the better of me, as I take a peek outside the cell window. There came the same man in white coat, his steps were like last time but this time only a slightly quicker pace, yet still calm and
calculated. A certain adrenaline arose within me with each step that echoed through the corridor.
When the man started to near my cell, still being a few meters away, I felt myself take a few steps back,
as he then started to slow in. My worry started to rise again. All eyes followed him, as he took a stop in
front of my cell. ..No. ..

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