{Chapter 3}

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I flinched with surprise, glancing at the door to the room the boy was inside, as I heard a shriek coming
from inside, slowly sounding more raspy. I covered my ears from the piercing scream. ..and then it
stopped. ..I hesitantly uncovered my ears, thinking there’d be a second scream, but I heard only silence
for a moment. Then the sound of metal and glass crashing to the floor could be heard, and another
raspy screech. Getting off the wall I was leaning against, I cautiously backed away from the door, now
feeling a chill go down my spine. What’s going on in there?! I backed away a bit more, hearing more
stuff get thrown around, along with other screams which came from the staff. Not a second later the
emergency button was pushed. I could feel the fear and panic rise. Deciding not to be an idiot, I got out
of there, and started running.

Only a moment later the door busted open, exploding, tiny bits of wood flew in all directions, the door
layed knocked over on the floor under what used to be the boy’s feet. He looked entirely different. I
stared in horror at the monstrous looking thing, splattered with crimson on its hands. Its eyes were
completely black and leaked of a black substance as well as out of its mouth. Fangs and long sharp
claws. Black spider-like legs or tentacle-like things had sprouted out of its back, it too leaked of a black
goo, I assumed it was its blood. When it snapped its head at me I felt like I was inside some nightmare.
This felt like a horror movie, but this was unfortunately all real.

It screeched loudly as it started to chase me with inhuman speed. I broke out of my trance and quickly
sprinted again. Turning the corner I almost crashed into a water dispenser, but I quickly jumped out of
the way and tried to pay more attention to my surroundings. I can’t just go around crashing into things
while I’m running for my life. But my brain was still in too much shock and horror to comprehend
what was happening around me.

I could hear and feel how it was quickly catching up to me. Turning a second corner I swiftly entered a
door, some random room before it could turn around the corner and see I had entered there. Not even
a second later it ran right past the door, sprinting down the hospital hallways. Only a minute after
could I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Seeing as I lost it. I slid down along the wall, sitting
on the floor as I took a few deep breaths. That was a close one. ..I could’ve actually.. died. ..

I took a deep sigh before carefully getting up from the floor and peaked out the door. The coast was
clear. I cautiously made my way to the nearest fire exit. Sure there was no fire, but there was another
one of those monsters on the loose. That should be a worthy enough explanation for using a fire exit
right? Out of the blue I felt the building shake a bit beneath my feet, and I heard a loud thud
somewhere from the floor below me. I felt my adrenaline pumping. I darted to the fire exit, only to find
that there was a huge hole in the floor. Oh, just wonderful! Just great! How could my day get any worse?

Welp. Now I gotta find another way to get outta here. ‘Cause I sure as hell ain’t going to die today. No sir,
not today. I turned around and headed for the stairs, going down a floor, attempting to find another
exit. I halt midway though, hearing fast feet roaming close by. ..I didn’t know who that was, but I wasn’t
going to take any chances. I quickly hid inside another room, locking the door. I looked through the
keyhole, anticipatingly watching to see if that monster was going to pass by. ..Its fast footsteps made
the whole room shake, not as bad as an earthquake though. Beside me was a desk, with bottles and
jars, with a computer and a printer in the corner of the desk. I was hunched down as I was peeping through the keyhole, I was about to get up, taking support from the desk while still having my eyes on
the door. I fumbled a bit, and glanced back with horror as I heard a loud clang sound from the glass jar
I accidentally held on instead of the desk itself. The jar had a crack in it, and the smell of a wretched
scent seeped through, I gagged. It smelled just as bad as manure. Please don’t tell me I attracted
attention to myself like I think I did. ..

Next thing I know, I hear a piercing screech and loud footsteps rapidly approaching. …F#*k. I’m
screwed. The door busted down in a mere span of seconds after a bang of two. The door exploded into
splinters flying in all directions at once, a few hitting me. I scrambled backwards, now on the floor with
a feral freak trying to kill me. With every inch I got closer to the wall with the beast only closing in on
me, I felt my back soon hit the wall. I froze with terror in my teary eyes. ..Seeing as there was no way
I’d make it out of here, I accepted my fate. This was it. ..I held my arms over my head, closing my eyes
shut, not wanting to see my guts get flung and splattered across the room like a brutal crime scene of a

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