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After that fateful night, her life changed. The memory of their intimate dance lingers, his captivating gaze seared into her mind, and the lingering fragrance of his cologne etched into her senses forever. Each whispered word in his deep voice pulls her further into his spell, deepening her connection with every utterance. Their dynamic shifted from group outings to intimate rendezvous, catching Jocelyn off guard. Initially, she tried to rationalize, convincing herself not to read too much into it—they had been friends for years, after all. Yet, that particular night ignited a spark of hope within her. Never had she seen his gaze so intense, leaving her cautiously optimistic about what the future might hold.

Following her birthday celebration, Jocelyn is almost sure: her relationship with Timothee transcends platonic boundaries. It wasn't a casual peck on the cheek; rather, their lips met in a deep, lingering kiss charged with desire and longing. In that moment, it became undeniable—Timothee yearned for her, his ardor unmistakably evident.

Jocelyn is ready to confess her feelings. Jocelyn's heart is filled with her enduring love for Timothee. From the moment they crossed paths at university to the present day, her affection has been unwavering, a constant undercurrent in her life. For years, she dared not dream of a chance with him, resigning herself to silent admiration. However, that night alters the possibilities and enables her to finally reveal her feelings for him.

"I have a confession," Jocelyn said, meeting Timothee's gaze as they sat across from each other at his place. He had cooked dinner and invited her over to discuss his upcoming film, considering her background in film studies.

"What's on your mind?" Timothee's smile remained light-hearted as he spoke. "I'm all ears, Jocelyn." His grin widened, adding to his already captivating presence. Jocelyn couldn't help but admire him shamelessly, feeling a rush of nerves. She reached for her glass of wine, taking a hesitant sip and grimacing at the taste she never quite acquired. Timothee's amusement only seemed to grow at her reaction, finding everything she did endearing.

"I like you," Jocelyn finally confessed.

Confession || Timothée Chalamet Where stories live. Discover now