An Unexpected Invitation

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After the party, Timothee and Jocelyn continued their usual pattern of talking and texting, but neither of them broached the subject of the near-kiss they had shared, it's like an unspoken secret between them. Initially, Jocelyn held onto a glimmer of hope, thinking Timothee might bring up or try to explain it. However, as days passed without any mention of the moment, she realized that it was likely just a fleeting impulse for Timothee.

To be honest, Jocelyn felt a pang of disappointment, but she understood. Parties often had a way of clouding judgment, especially in the presence of alcohol. She knew firsthand the lapses in judgment that could occur in such settings and reasoned that perhaps Timothee's near-kiss was just a momentary lapse, particularly given his profession as an actor, where emotions often run high.

Despite her disappointment, Jocelyn chose to brush it off, unwilling to dwell on what might have been. After all, everyone experienced moments of impulsiveness, especially at parties. But just as she was beginning to resign herself to the idea of moving on, something unexpected happened. Timothee texted her, his message appearing on her phone.

Jocelyn's gaze fixated on her phone screen, her heart fluttering at Timothee's unexpected invitation. "Hey Joce, would you like to come to my place tonight?" the message read.

The proposition caught her off guard, stirring a mix of curiosity and apprehension within her. "Are you hosting a party again?" she typed, assuming this is another social gathering for their NYU friend group.

A quick reply followed, dispelling any lingering uncertainty. "No, just you and me."

The straightforwardness of his invitation sent a wave of anticipation through her. While spending time alone with Timothee in public settings was familiar, the idea of visiting his place alone was unexplored territory for Jocelyn. Despite her hesitations, she couldn't resist the pull of spending one-on-one time with him. With a flutter of anticipation in her heart, she swiftly typed out her response—a simple yet affirmative confirmation of their plans.

"Okay," Jocelyn replied, containing her excitement and the flutter of butterflies in her stomach.

As the weekend approached, Jocelyn couldn't help but wonder if Timothee would finally address the near-intimate moment at the party. With each passing moment, a renewed sense of excitement bubbled within her. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was still a chance for something more between them. As she prepared to meet Timothee, she couldn't shake the feeling that their story was far from over.

Confession || Timothée Chalamet जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें