Always listen to your best friend

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Jocelyn's mind raced as she replayed the moment over and over again. Timothee had kissed her, and it wasn't just any kisses, it was passionate, unforgettable, and everything she had ever dreamed of. But instead of feeling elated, she was overwhelmed with anxiety.

The kiss was a sign, a sign that Timothee might be interested in her in the same way she's interested in him. But there's also an uncertainty that stung in the back of her mind, whether her interpretation of his actions is correct. Every move she made from now on felt crucial, as if she were walking on thin ice.

She didn't want to do anything to jeopardize the dynamic between them, yet the possibility of taking their relationship further left her in a state of limbo. What if she misinterpreted his intentions? What if she made a move and it ruined everything they had? The fear of the unknown gnawed at her, casting a shadow over the excitement of the moment.

In moments of vulnerability like this, Jocelyn found herself turning to Rosalie for guidance. She hadn't confided in Rosalie about her recent interactions with Timothee, knowing that her ethereal friend held reservations about him. But despite their differences in opinion, Jocelyn trusted Rosalie to set aside her personal feelings and offer honest advice.

With that in mind, Jocelyn arranged a dinner date with Rosalie. She knew that Rosalie would provide the clarity and perspective she desperately needed, even if it meant hearing some uncomfortable truths.

"So, what's going on between you and Timothee?" Rosalie's question cut through the air as she twirled her pasta on her plate. Jocelyn couldn't help but smile at her friend's directness. Rosalie had always possessed the uncanny ability to see right through her.

"We kissed," Jocelyn admitted, her gaze meeting Rosalie's ocean-blue eyes.

Jocelyn watched as her friend's mouth opened and closed several times, unable to find the right words. It was rare to catch Rosalie off guard, and Jocelyn found herself quietly amused by the spectacle.

Finally, Rosalie managed to speak, her brows furrowing in thought. "I... I don't know what to say," she confessed, her expression a mix of surprise and uncertainty.

Jocelyn observed her friend's reaction closely, sensing that there was more beneath the surface. Rosalie was never one to shy away from speaking her mind, unless she was holding something back. Jocelyn couldn't help but wonder if there was something Rosalie wasn't saying, something that might hurt her.

"It's okay, Rosie," Jocelyn reassured her, her voice softening. "Tell me the truth."

Rosalie sighed, her gaze meeting Jocelyn's with a mix of sympathy and concern. "I know you've had your eyes on Timothee since uni," she began, her voice gentle yet firm. "And you know I've never been his biggest fan."

Jocelyn felt a pang of shock at Rosalie's candid admission. She hadn't realized her crush on Timothee had been so transparent since uni, and the thought made her stomach churn with embarrassment.

Taking a deep breath, Rosalie continued, her tone somber. "I've heard some rumors about Timothee that aren't exactly flattering."

Jocelyn's heart skipped a beat as her mind raced with a thousand possibilities. But even amidst the flurry of thoughts, she couldn't fathom Timothee being capable of anything untoward.

"What kind of rumors?" Jocelyn asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her anxiety mounting with each passing second.

Rosalie hesitated, her discomfort evident in the furrow of her brow and the tightness around her lips. "There are whispers that he... he plays with people's feelings," she finally admitted, her words heavy with unease. "And I'm afraid he might be doing the same to you."

Jocelyn's breath caught in her throat, the weight of Rosalie's words settling heavily upon her. Could it be true? Could Timothee, the person she had admired and trusted for so long, be capable of such manipulation?

"He wouldn't do that," Jocelyn protested weakly, her voice betraying her wavering conviction. Yet, even as she spoke, doubt crept in, eroding the edges of her certainty. Rosalie's concern was genuine; she wasn't one to gossip or spread baseless rumors. Jocelyn couldn't shake the unsettling thought: Could the Timothee she knew be concealing a darker side?

"Your admiration has clouded your judgment," Rosalie remarked, her voice tinged with concern. Jocelyn's heart sank at the truth in her friend's words. She knew she had been too fixated on Timothee for far too long, but a part of her still couldn't shake the image of his kind, loving character.

"You need to tell him. If he returns your feelings, that's great," Rosalie continued, her tone gentle yet firm. "But if not, then at least you'll know where you stand. You deserve clarity, Jocelyn."

Jocelyn felt a lump form in her throat as Rosalie took hold of her hand, her grip firm and earnest. "Jocelyn, you can't afford to waste any more time," Rosalie urged, her eyes pleading. "You've spent years pining after this man, overlooking so many wonderful opportunities and potential suitors. Please, take my words to heart and consider your own happiness."

Rosalie's words hit Jocelyn like a freight train. She couldn't deny that much of her anxiety and unhappiness stemmed from her one-sided love for Timothee. It wasn't fair to him; he was completely unaware of her feelings, and all her pain was self-inflicted. Jocelyn realized that she had been allowing her unrequited love to dictate her life for far too long, and it was time to break free from its hold.

And perhaps, just perhaps, Timothee does return her love. After all, he did plan a surprise party and share a passionate kiss with her. Despite her doubts and fears, Jocelyn couldn't ignore the possibility that Timothee's actions were more than just friendly gestures. Could it be that he felt the same way about her? It was a glimmer of hope in the midst of her uncertainty, sparking a newfound courage within her.

So it is time for Jocelyn to confront her feelings for Timothee head-on.

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