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Today marked Jocelyn's birthday, and it would be her first time spending it alone. With her focus still on job hunting in the city, she couldn't risk leaving for home, knowing an interview could arise at any moment. Moreover, her younger brother had a mid-term looming at Columbia University, so she assured him not to worry and fibbed about having plans already.

Meanwhile, Timothee seemed to have vanished into thin air, ignoring Jocelyn's texts and calls for a week. His sudden disappearance left her feeling perplexed and somewhat abandoned.

Despite the swirling uncertainties surrounding her, Jocelyn made a conscious decision not to confront Timothee about the near-kiss incident. She reasoned it was perhaps best for both of them; after all, they hadn't truly kissed. It was merely a moment suspended in time, abruptly interrupted before anything substantial could happen. What troubled her more was Timothee's silence on the matter. He never brought up the subject, and it seemed he had no intention to either. Jocelyn even began to question whether Timothee had truly intended to kiss her or if it had all been a figment of her imagination.

However, Timothee is not the main focus of her life at the moment. The daunting challenge of securing a decent job in New York City loomed larger than ever. Many of her friends in the industry had already relocated to Los Angeles, drawn by the promise of better job prospects. In hindsight, Jocelyn realized she had been naive. She had assumed that her impressive resume would guarantee her a job instantly. Unfortunately, she soon learned that the entertainment industry placed heavy emphasis on connections and relationships, especially for high-demanding positions.

This realization left Jocelyn with a tinge of regret about her internship in Australia. Perhaps she should have pursued an internship in New York instead, focusing on building connections before graduating. If she didn't land a job by the end of the month, she might have to consider following her friends to LA.

Just as she was on the brink of sinking into her misery, her phone rang, and the name "Rosie" flashed across the screen. Jocelyn couldn't help but smile as she picked up the call.

"Happy Birthday, Jocelyn!" Rosalie's voice came through the phone, her enthusiasm evident in the high pitch. It stunned Jocelyn for a moment, but the warmth of Rosalie's birthday wishes quickly melted her heart.

" Thank you Rosie," Jocelyn could not stop smiling, " I miss you."

Rosalie, a family friend of Jocelyn's who coincidentally attended NYU at the same time, had always been a familiar face in Jocelyn's life. Despite their different majors - Rosalie in fashion and Jocelyn in film - they unexpectedly found themselves in the same class on fashion in cinema. This fortuitous reunion sparked a reconnection between them, and they began to hang out occasionally, bonding over their shared interests and experiences at NYU. Rosalie was always the one to initiate their outings, her vibrant presence a guiding light in Jocelyn's life. After Timothee left college, Jocelyn found herself grappling with loneliness. Apart from Timothee, she had no other close friends to rely on. His departure left a void that seemed impossible to fill, and Jocelyn felt adrift without his companionship. It was during this time that Rosalie's friendship became even more precious to her, providing a source of warmth and companionship.

Rosalie's presence was another compelling reason for Jocelyn's return to New York. Maintaining her close friendship with Rosalie was paramount to Jocelyn, as Rosalie had become more than just a friend; she was like family.

Right out of college, Rosalie dove into the world of fashion styling at a company that was quickly gaining attention through social media. Rosalie's unique style and talent shone through. Described as "70s with a twist," Rosalie's fashion sense exuded whimsy and preppy charm, catching everyone's eyes. She found herself jetting all over the world for meetings and collaborations with other big names in the industry. Jocelyn admired Rosalie's creativity and dedication, and they always cherished the moments they could spend together amidst Rosalie's busy schedule.

" "Let's go out tonight," Rosalie declared, her tone leaving no room for refusal. "I'll send you the address, and all you have to do is show up and dress nicely!"

"Rosie, I don't know..." Jocelyn began, but before she could finish her sentence, Rosalie hung up the phone.

It's not that Jocelyn was going to pass on the opportunity; she had nothing else planned to begin with. She just wanted to confirm what she should wear. With no idea of what to choose, she needed Rosalie's advice. It seemed strange that Rosalie was speaking so hastily; it wasn't like her. However, the overwhelming joy of meeting Rosalie overshadowed any concerns Jocelyn had.

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