Mom, please stop!

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As Jocelyn stepped outside of Timothee's apartment, tears streamed down her face, unchecked and heavy with the weight of disappointment. She knew he wouldn't chase after her; he never will. Waving down a cab, she made a rare departure from her usual routine of taking the subway. She felt too exhausted and fragile to navigate the crowded underground, and the thought of facing strangers with tear-streaked cheeks embarrassed her deeply.

As Jocelyn finally reached her apartment, she collapsed onto the couch and allowed herself to succumb to silent sobs. It felt like the end, even though technically nothing had ever truly begun between her and Timothee. Was she mourning the loss of an unreciprocated love, or their friendship? She couldn't quite discern the source of her anguish; all she knew was an overwhelming sense of misery that she couldn't contain.

A sudden ring shattered the somber atmosphere, interrupting Jocelyn's tearful reverie. She hesitated, briefly hoping it might be Timothee calling to offer another apology. However, her heart sank when she saw her mother's name flashing on the screen. She picked up the phone.

"Hi, Mom," Jocelyn greeted, attempting to mask the tremor in her voice with forced normalcy. However, her mother's keen perception picked up on the subtle signs of distress.

"Jocelyn, are you crying? What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" her mother asked with concerns. Her mother always sees through her facade.

"Nothing really, Mom, I just had a fight with Timothee, that's all," Jocelyn attempted to downplay the situation, not wanting to burden her mother with the details of her heartache.

However, her mother's swift defense of Timothee caught her off guard. "Why? Did you do something? Timothee is a good boy," her mother interjected, her admiration of Timothee was evident in her tone. Jocelyn let out a weary sigh, feeling the weight of her fractured friendship pressing down on her.

"I didn't do anything, Mom. We're just not friends anymore," she admitted, the truth of her own words stung herself a little.

"Did you confess your feelings to him?" Her mother's question caught Jocelyn off guard, leaving her speechless. How did her mother know about her feelings for Timothee? How does everyone know? Before Jocelyn could gather her thoughts, her mother continued with a lecture. "Jocelyn, you should know that love cannot be forced."

Feeling increasingly frustrated, Jocelyn bristled at her mother's words. "Mother, can you stand on my side for once?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with irritation. "I am your daughter, and yet you defend his actions without knowing the whole picture?!" The sense of betrayal from both Timothee and now her own mother weighed heavily on Jocelyn's heart, fueling her frustration even further.

"Just reflect on your friendship with Timothee. Do you really want to let a good friend go?" Her mother's calm words pierced through Jocelyn's frustration, momentarily causing her to pause and consider. However, overwhelmed by emotions and unable to process her thoughts clearly, Jocelyn made a snap decision. Without saying another word, she abruptly ended the call, unable to bear the weight of her conflicting emotions any longer.

Immediately feeling remorse for her impulsive actions, Jocelyn quickly typed to her mother. With a heartfelt apology, she wrote,

"Sorry for hanging up on you. I just need some time alone. Love you." Sending the message, Jocelyn hoped her mother would understand her need for space and forgiveness. She turned off her phone just in case someone would disrupt her evening further.

Drifting into an unexpected slumber on her couch, Jocelyn found solace in the embrace of sleep, her exhaustion outweighing the turmoil of her emotions. As she surrendered to the peaceful oblivion of rest, the tears shed throughout the day faded into oblivion. The only thought that reassured her was the realization that the next two days were the weekend—a small reprieve from the chaos of her emotions, offering a glimmer of hope for moments of tranquility and introspection ahead

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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