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As Jocelyn stepped into the venue, she was immediately overcome with a sense of awe and disbelief. Surrounded by a sea of flashing lights and familiar faces, she felt like she had stepped into a dream. Everywhere she looked, childhood icons and celebrity crushes. It was a moment she had only ever imagined in her wildest fantasies, and now, standing amidst the stars, she couldn't help but pinch herself to make sure it was real.

While Jocelyn soaked in the glamorous atmosphere, she was taken aback when she felt an unfamiliar arm encircle her back. Startled, she turned to find a man with a mustache and dark, ponytailed hair clad in a bomber jacket and fitted jeans—someone she didn't recognize. Instinctively, she attempted to free herself from his grasp, but to her dismay, he only held on tighter, his grip unyielding. With panic rising within her, Jocelyn's mind raced as she desperately sought a way to escape from the unsettling encounter.

"Don't be afraid, my name is Richard, you can call me Rich," he said, his voice slick with an unsettling tone. He licked his lips before continuing, "What is your name, beautiful?" Despite his attempt at reassurance, Jocelyn couldn't shake the feeling of unease that washed over her, his words sending a shiver down her spine.

"Jocelyn," a familiar voice called out, snapping her attention away from the unsettling encounter. Turning her head, she found Timothee's face a mix of concern and distaste as he confronted the man. With a glare that could cut through steel, Timothee swiftly intervened, causing the man to retreat in haste.

After Timmother came to her rescue, Jocelyn felt a surge of relief wash over her. With a grateful smile, she followed him as he introduced her to various directors and producers.

"This is my good friend from NYU," Timothee exclaimed with genuine excitement. "She studied film and was the top in our class. She is phenomenal in her work and she even did an internship in Australia!" Jocelyn couldn't help but feel a sense of awe when Timothee's words filled her with pride and validation. The opportunity to network and connect with industry insiders proved to be invaluable, and she was grateful for Timothee's unwavering support.

When the directors and producers left, their favorite song began to play. Timothee and Jocelyn shared a knowing smile, memories of clubbing days resurfacing. The familiar beat beckoned them to the dance floor, where they moved in perfect harmony. The dance they shared communicated more than words ever could, each step a silent dialogue between them. Their chemistry was undeniable, the air thick with anticipation as they drew closer to one another.

In a moment of vulnerability, they leaned in close, their lips mere inches apart. But before they could seal the moment with a kiss, Timothee was abruptly pulled away by his manager, leaving Jocelyn standing alone in the swirling chaos of the party. In the wake of their near-miss kiss, Jocelyn's thoughts raced, swirling with a mix of disappointment and intrigue. Although their lips hadn't touched, the alluring possibility lingered, weaving its way through her imagination. As she replayed the moment in her mind, she couldn't shake the feeling that there might be something more between them.

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