Chapter- 29

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Soft sobs echoed throughout the halls of the sacred safe house in the midst of basically nowhere. Buried within green trees standing so tall and dense that even the shadows shiver at the thought of entering the wide jungle.

"Phi..." The soft voice of a 16-year-old pierced through the silence snapping MJ from his thoughts.

"Youngie!" MJ's voice held so much pain yet hope, "Did I wake you up?"

"No, I was awake a few minutes before you entered the room." Soon Young, the younger brother of Methas spoke up with a hint of mischieve yet sadness laced within it. 

"I am so sorry." MJ voiced out for what felt like years to Soon Young, "I am so sorry that I can't protect you from father's wrath and cruelty Youngie, I am so sorry..." MJ's voice cracked as he regained his composure.

"Phi, look at me," Soon Young ordered, "The fact that you still love me more than anything in this world and come to visit me every single day is all I need. You have been more of a father figure to me than my own dad and I am glad to have you as my brother." Soon Young coughed a little which alarmed MJ, "You and Wonwoo hyung are here for me is all I need." Soon Young finished before closing his eyes and opening them again.

"Have some water." MJ slowly helped his brother sit up and handed him the glass of water, "But I should be here every single second." MJ emphasized.

"You are. I feel your presence even when you are not here." Soon Young always reassured MJ when he felt like he was the worst big brother ever.

"Youngie, I promise that once I take over, you will be able to return back home and I will stick by your side until the very end, just wait for me," MJ promised, his eyes filled with determination to bring his baby brother back home as soon as possible.

"I know Phi, I know."


Kiara, Jungkook, Ren, and Kavin just stood there in the Kittiyangkul mansion's entrance lobby. Kiara was still in Jungkook's firm and protective hold, Kavin was confused as to why Kiara was glued to the stranger's side, and Ren was shocked the most. 

His hands twitched to yank Kiara away from the stranger but he controlled himself. He isn't the type of person who acts on impulse, he sees, analyses the situation, and then acts. But strangely since Kiara's arrival apparently, that hasn't been the situation for Ren.

No one dared to break the deadly silence that was cast upon the four by the arrival of the stranger. They were all afraid of speaking up, fear etching into their skins that if someone- anyone spoke up, the recently built relationships would crumble down.

But someone had to break it, "Who is this Kiara?" Kavin's voice held scrutiny and hesitation.

"It doesn't matter because neither of us is going to stay here any longer, I am taking her back to where she belongs." Jungkook's sharp voice sent Kavin into a state of shock. What the hell did this stranger mean by taking Kiara back to where she belongs? She belonged here, in Bangkok.

"She won't be going anywhere." To Kiara and Kavin's surprise Ren spoke up, as he ascended down the stairs, an authoritative aura surrounded him, "Who are you to take someone away from their original home."

"Her best friend and someone who was there for her when her original family wasn't." The way Jungkook said the words 'original family' sent a wave of guilt crashing on Kavin and Ren.

"Kook, calm down please." Kiara finally spoke up taking in the heat the situation was building up, "Kavin, Ren I will explain everything but before that, I need to talk to Jungkook in private. So, I am requesting that none of you will try to eavesdrop and sit right here until we come back." With that, Kiara took Jungkook's hand and led him to her room upstairs.

"Kiara," Jungkook voiced, after he heard Kiara close her bedroom door, "What's going on here? Are these people keeping you hostage? Mingyu told me that you are their daughter, is that true?" He bombarded the female with questions. His tone filled with exhaustion.

"Do you trust me, Kook?" Kiara asked, her tome mirroring that of Jungkook. As the male nodded Kiara continued, "It is true that those people downstairs are my blood family but you should know that you and the guys will always be my first family." Kiara paused examining Jungkook's expression searching for some kind of emotion but there was none.

"So, that's it?" Jungkook spoke up, his voice holding no emotion, "I guess it was true when they said blood is thicker than water." Jungkook stood up, "You are not coming back and back there in Seoul I was drowning with the guilt of letting you get kidnapped every single day." His words stabbed Kiara right into her heart.

"No, Kook! It's nothing like that." She strode towards the male, not wanting anything to be misunderstood, "You are getting it all wrong. You know what I did since the moment I got here? I tried to contact you, even did so from my brother's phone but you didn't pick up. So, I sneaked from my window and tried to head towards the police station but got caught by one of my brother's friends and he promised to help me contact you but then he turned back on his words when I told him that I wanted to go back to my home, which is you and the guys!" Kiara exhaled as she let everything out, leaving no card unturned.

"But they are my family Kook." Kiara's soft voice finally me Jungkook look towards her, her vulnerable eyes softened Jungkook's expression, "I can't just leave them without giving them a chance. You and the guys- you all have grown up with your families, while I on the other hand could just imagine what it was like to have one. I yearned for a mother's embrace, a father's protection, and a sibling bond since the very day I was snatched away from them." Her words were so sincere and painful that it hurt Jungkook by just listening to them.

She was right, and Jungkook couldn't just ask her to come back now that she had finally found her family, the one she had longed for, for the past 17 years.

"But all this doesn't mean that you guys are my past now. You and the guys are the reason I continued living Kook, so don't think that I can just forget about you. You all will always be my first family. And it's not like this is the last time we will meet, I will fly to meet you and everyone every single month for at least a whole week. I promise."

"You never break promises." Jungkook smiled revealing his teeth as he embraced Kiara, afraid of letting her go again, "I trust you little bunny."

"I know big bun." At this moment Kiara felt like the luckiest girl alive to have such an understanding best friend like Jungkook. He and the other six had provided Kiara with the love and care she never knew the meaning of. They taught her what the true meaning of family is.

The only thing that changed is that now Kiara's original family would embark upon that same journey with Kiara and her seven angels who saved her.

Hey all! I know I am late but I have been just too busy with my exams 🙂 that I am shocked I even have time to breathe properly. I know this is a short and late update but I promise that I will update regularly after my exams get over on the 27th of March. Till then bear with the short and late updates.

And yes, Soon Young and Wonwoo are Kwon Soo Young and Jeon Wonwoo of Seventeen. You guys still haven't told me if you want a whole story of Mingyu and Seung Mi. Cause I am thinking (just thinking right now remember) of making a series of Seventeen members after this book. I just got to know about their existence and I have some really interesting plots so tell me if you guys want to read a story series of them. So, I will continue my research since I don't stan them haha. 

And read my story 'Not His Obsession' on my other Wattpad account  LETSNOTBEPEACEFUL

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