Chapter 1

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It had been two years since Tim and Lucy had gotten divorced. They decided to divorce because Lucy wanted to do undercover work and Tim didn't support her. They will always love each other, but it's better if they aren't together. Their son Noah didn't take it well when they split. Neither of them had dated anybody since the divorce and they weren't sure how Noah would react. When they divorced they decided to alternate weeks with Noah. Noah would go to Lucy's after school on Monday and that following Monday he would go back to Tim's. They've been repeating this schedule since they split.

About 1 month ago an officer retired. His daughter came to the station to support him on his day of retirement. Tim and Ashley had been talking since that day. Tim decided it was time to met his son, but he and Lucy agreed that before anyone came around his son she had to meet her first. At the end of their shift Tim went to find Lucy before she left.

Tim- "Hey. Can we talk for a minute before you leave?"

Lucy- "Sure, what's up?"

Tim- "I've been seeing someone for 2 months, and I think it's time for Noah to meet her, but obviously i'm coming to you first. Can we make dinner plans or something, so you can meet her?"

Lucy- "Okay, sure"

Tim- "Thank you. Have a good night."

Lucy- "You too."

[Tim got in his truck and texted Ashley before he drove off]


Tim- Hey

Ashley- Hey Tim

Tim- How would you feel about having dinner with my ex wife?

Ashley- Why Tim

Tim- It's time that you meet my son and you won't be able to u less his mom meets you first.

Ashley- Okay. Just let me know when.

Tim- I'll figure out the details and let you know

Ashley- Okay.

••Text Over••

Lucy decided that she would make dinner at her house one night on a weekend when Noah stayed at his friend's house and invite Tim and his new girlfriend over. Lucy had a feeling Ashley would feel uneasy coming into his ex-wife's house for dinner. Lucy has a pretty big house. She was left quite a bit of money when her parents died. She decided to buy a nice house and cars. She also started a college fund for her son with some of that money.

She decided to build a house with the money she inherited. She bought some land. She built a big cabin on the end of a long driveway. The cabin has 5 bedrooms and 6 baths. A big basement with a theatre room and games, like basketball, foosball, air hockey, pingpong, pool, darts, etc. She has a big pond that you can swim in. She bought 4 wheelers for her son. She has 3 vehicles. A lifted truck, a Camaro, and a 2022 Kia Stinger.

After 25 minutes of driving from the station to her house she finally arrived. She walked in and was greeted by their German Shepherd and Pit-bull. She said hi to her dogs and walked into the kitchen to see her son seated at the island doing homework.

Lucy- "Thank you for doing your homework bub.

Noah- "Of course momma. How was your day?"

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