Chapter 3

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••Aunt Angela••

Angela- Hey bud what do you need?

Noah- i'm out of football practice and my dad forgot to pick me up.

Angela- Of course. I'm on my way.

••Call Ends••


Noah- Dad forgot to pick me up. I called Aunt Angela and she's on her way to get me.

Lucy- Okay. Let me know when you get back to your dads.

Noah- He forgot about me.

Lucy- Baby it's gonna be okay.

Noah- He's probably at his house with his girlfriend waiting for me right now.

Lucy- Have Angela stop for some food. Just go home and go to your room.

Noah- I wish I could be with you all the time.

Lucy- I know honey. I love you. If you need anything please call me.

Noah- I will mom. I love you too.

••Text Over••

Angela arrives and Noah hops into the passenger seat.

Angela- "Hey buddy. How was school?"

Noah- "It was fine. I don't want to go back to dads right now. Can we stop and get something to eat?"

Angela- "Of course"

They stop and eat at a little diner.

Angela- "Talk to me. Why don't you want to go to your dads."

Noah- "I blame him for splitting the family up. I can't forgive him. Now he's forgetting about me. He was supposed to pick me up from practice. He's probably with his girlfriend at his house right now. He's forcing me to meet her tonight. I tried to tell him how I feel and it turned into an argument.

Angela continues to listen to him. She comforts him. She drops him off at 7:45pm. He walks into the door. He sees Ashley and atom in the kitchen.

Tim- "Where have you been. You should've been here almost an hour ago?" he says sternly

Noah- "You're the one who didn't pick me up. I had to call Aunt Angela to pick me up from practice." he raised his voice at his dad.

Tim- "Well come to the table and eat."

Noah- "Not hungry and I already ate."

Tim- "That doesn't get you out of meeting Ashley."

Noah sits at the table and stays quiet.

Ashley- "So Noah I heard you play football and basketball."

Noah didn't say a word

Ashley- "Um so how was school today."

Noah- "Fine" he scoffed at her.

Noah got a text and looked at it.


Mason- Yo dude. You want to hang with Alex and I?

Noah- Yes. I'll be at yours in 10

Mason- "Cool dude. We'll be waiting.

••Text Over••

Tim- "Get off your phone"

Noah rolled his eyes.

Ashley- "Do you want desert."

Noah- "No"

Noah get up and walks towards the door.

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