Chapter 9

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While Noah was at his dad's house that weekend he decided to call Harlow. It's 11am


Harlow- Hey Noah

Noah- Hey Harlow

Harlow- How's your weekend.

Noah- Kinda trash

Harlow- Do you want to hangout?

Noah- I would have to ask my dad.

Harlow- Let me know what he says.

Noah- Okay.

••Call ends••

Noah goes out of his room to the couch where his dad is sitting.

Noah- "Can I go hangout with my friend?"

Tim- "Is your room clean?"

Noah- "Yeah"

Tim- "What time do you plan on being back?"

Noah-  "9"

Tim- "Fine"

Noah goes backs to his room and tells Harlow that his dad said yes. Noah goes over to Harlows house and is greeted by Harlows mom. Her name is Carly.

Carly- "Nice to see you again Noah."

Noah- "Nice to see you again too."

Noah and Harlow go down the street to a diner. They go in and sit down.

Harlow- "I sat with you parents at the game yesterday"

Noah- "Really?"

Harlow- "Yes. Your mom is really nice, so is Conrad. I played with Gigi as well."

Noah- "I'm glad that you like my family." he said as he laughed a little.

Harlow- "You seem down. Are you okay?"

Noah- "Ever since my parents split my dad and I haven't gotten along well. I don't like his girlfriend. She's trying to replace my mom."

Harlow and Noah talk for a while before they go and chill at the park.

Harlow- "Can I tell you something"

Noah- "mhm"

Harlow- "I have feeling for you Noah."

Noah- "I like you too Harlow." he said smiling.

They hugged each other and hung out until it was time for him to go home.  When Noah got home he went straight to his room and FaceTimed Harlow. They were still just talking. Noah already wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend though.


Harlow- "Hey" she said smiling.

Noah- "Hey beautiful" he said which made her blush.

they talked for an hour before Tim knocked on the door and walked in.

Tim- "Ashley and I are going to bed, so keep it down in here."

Noah- "I am"

Tim- "Who are you talking to?"

Noah- "My friend."

Tim- "Ok goodnight."

Noah just rolled his eyes and continued to talk to Harlow through FaceTime. They feel asleep on the call and woke up the next morning on call.

Harlow- "Good-morning Noah."

Noah- "Good-morning"

Noah took his phone out to the kitchen with him as they were still on a video call. Noah grabbed the eggs and bacon out of the fridge and started making breakfast while they continued to talk.  Tim came out and turned the game on in the living room.

Noah- "Moms gonna be here at 2 to pick me up."

Tim- "Okay"

Noah ate and went to his room to continue talking to Harlow. When Lucy picked him up he was still on the phone. Conrad and Gigi were at home. Noah got into the passenger seat.

Lucy- "Hey honey. How was this weekend"

Noah- "It was good. I hung out with Harlow all day yesterday."

Lucy- "That's fun. Is that who you are on the phone with."

Harlow- "Hi Ms. Chen"

Lucy- "Hey Harlow. Call me Lucy."

Lucy- "Does she want to come over for dinner tonight?"

Noah- "Do you?"

Harlow- "Yeah let me ask my mom."

Lucy- "Tell your mom that's she's welcome as well. I would like to meet her."

Harlow- "I'm gonna go so I can ask my mom."

Noah- "Okay. Talk to you later"

••Call Over••

Lucy- "Do you like her?"

Noah- "Yea and she likes me too."

Lucy- "Let's go to the store. Do you know what she likes? Do you want to ask her to be your girlfriend?"

Noah- "Yes"

they go to the store and he's a bunch of stuff for Harlow. they go back to the house and make a scavenger hunt for Harlow. She confirmed that her and her mom would be over for dinner. At 4pm Harlow and her mother arrived.  Noah handed her a piece of paper.

Harlow- "What's this?"

Noah- "Scavenger hunt."

She does the scavenger hunt and Lucy takes a lot of photos. Harlow, Noah, and Gigi were in Gigi,s room playing with her. Lucy and Conrad were talking to Harlow's mom.

Lucy- "Again it's really nice to meet you. Harlow is sick a sweet girl."

Carly- "Thank you and boys can be mean, but your son is really sweet, but he's also super respectful towards other adults."

Lucy- "We have done our best to parent him. He listen really well for Conrad and I. He has it touch with his father."

Carly- "I'm sorry to hear that"

Conrad- "Dinner's ready"

Lucy went to Gigi's room to tell them that dinner is rest. The kids came it walking behind Lucy. they all grabbed plates and sat down to eat.

Carly- "I know that Harlow goes to all your basketball and football games. When's your next basketball game? I'll try and see if I can come watch you as well."

Noah- "My next game is tomorrow, but I play the longest out of anyone on my team because I play up as well."

Carly- "That's amazing Noah. You must be really good"

Gigi- "Daddy and bubba play basketball everyday outside together while mommy takes me to dance classes."

Carly- "That's cool sweetie. Harlow plays basketball and cheers"

Harlow- "Cheer is actually about to start next week, so I'll probably be cheering at your games Noah."

Everyone continued to talk until it got really late and Harlow had to leave.

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