Chapter 7

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Lucy- "Thank you for doing that."

Billie- "Of course"

They talk for a while and Billie leaves. Conrad calls Lucy.


Conrad- Hey i'm off work now. I'm heading over to your place.

Lucy- I'm at the station. I'll wake Gigi up. I'll meet you there.

Conrad- I thought you got off at 3.

Lucy- I did but she fell asleep on me. She really doesn't feel good. I didn't want to wake her, so we've been in the break room. I had Billie bring by a bag for both of you, so you don't have to stop by yours.

Conrad- Okay. I'll see you soon.

••Call Ends••

Lucy gently wakes Gigi up and carries her to the car. They head back to Lucy's house. She out Gigi down in bed and cuddled with Conrad on the couch.

Lucy- "I have an ultrasound appointment on Friday."

Conrad- "Can I go?"

Lucy- "We already agreed that the baby is yours."

They continued talking. After a while they went to sleep.

••Noah's Day••

Noah had a boring day at school. He was happy that Conrad is in his life now. He was dreading going to his dad's house knowing that Ashley was probably there. He got a text.

Tim- Hey son. Ashley will be there when you get home. I'll still be at work.

Noah- Great.

[Tim thought he actually meant it, but he didn't.]

After school ended Noah decided to walk home to stall time to have to walk into his dad's house where Ashley was.  He got home around 3pm. 30 minutes after school ended. He walked through the door. Not even a second after he got in he heard Ashley's voice.

Ashley- "Hey Noah. How was school."

Noah ignored her and went to his room and locked his door. He turned his speakers on and connected his laptop to them. He blared music while he did his homework and cleaned his room.  He decided to text his dad.


Noah- Is it cool if I hang out with Lucas? I did my homework and cleaned my room.

Tim- Fine, but be back by 8.

Noah- K

••Text Over••

Noah walked out of his bedroom.

Ashley- "I made food you want any?"

Noah- "No" he said as he walked towards the door.

Ashley- "Where do you think you're going"

Noah- "Not that it's your business, but I'm going to my friends house. I don't need your permission. I already got my dad's."

He slammed the door shut and headed to Lucas house. They played basketball and ate dinner with his mom and dad. It was approaching 8pm, so his friend's mom dropped him off at his dad's. Noah walked in the door and went straight to his room. He went to bed.

2 weeks go by. They had to reschedule the original appointment and dinner with Ashley and Tim. Gigi got Lucy and Conrad sick.

Conrad- "Are you ready for the appointment finally."

Lucy- "Yes I've been waiting 2 weeks."

They get to the appointment and have an ultrasound. The doctor comes in with results.

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