Chapter 6

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They arrived at a fancy restaurant. Conrad took hold of Lucy's hand. They intertwined their fingers and walked in. They got seated and ordered margaritas and food.

Lucy- "Who's driving this time? We are both drinking."

Conrad- "I'm only having one. Earlier we had 2 kids in the car. Even now i'm only having one. Have as many as you want. I'm driving."

Lucy- "Okay." she said as she looked at him and smiled.

[Lucy's had 2 margaritas and they finished eating their food.]

Conrad- "Lucy Chen will you be my girlfriend?"

Lucy- "Yes" she said smiling.

[They had their first together and headed back to the house around 7:30]

They got back to Lucy's house and headed inside. Gigi was asleep on the couch snuggled into Noah watching TV.

Noah- "Hey mom. Hey Conrad. Gigi fell asleep an hour ago."

Conrad- "We should probably get going then."

Noah- "Wait. Can you guys stay and we all have breakfast in the morning together?"

Lucy- "If Conrad wants to then they can"

Conrad- "I suppose that would be fun."

Lucy-"The other rooms aren't set up yet, so you can just bring Gigi in my room and she can sleep in the bed with us."

Conrad- "Okay"

Conrad picks Gigi and tells Noah goodnight. Noah tell Conrad and Lucy goodnight and heads to his room. Conrad places Gigi in the middle of Lucy's bed. Lucy takes her clothes into the bathroom and gets into pajamas. Conrad does the same thing after she's done. Lucy gets on one side of Gigi and Conrad gets on the other.

When Conrad woke up he seen Gigi cuddled into Lucy with her arms wrapped around his daughter. He smiled and took a picture. He got up to go in the kitchen. He seen Noah.

Conrad- "Good morning Noah. What do you want for breakfast?"

Noah- "Pancakes?"

Noah shows him where the stuff is and he starts making pancakes. A few minutes later Lucy comes out carrying Gigi and sets her down on a chair. They talk for a while and eat breakfast together before Noah has to go to school.

Lucy- "Noah today's your dad's week."

Noah- "I know." he looked disappointed.

Noah leaves for school. Conrad has a shift in the hospital.

Lucy- "Where does Gigi go when you have work?"

Conrad- "There is a kindergarten at the hospital. After that's over she hangs out in daycare until shift is over."

Lucy- "I get off at 3 today. I could pick her up after shift."

Gigi- "Please daddy."

Conrad- "I suppose that will be okay as long as Lucy wants to."

Lucy- "Looks like i'll be there by 3:30"

Conrad and Gigi leave for work. Not too long after Lucy heads to work as well with a smile on her face.

Nyla- "Why are you so happy today."

Lucy- "I've been talking to someone for a month."

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