Chapter 10

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It's been 3 months. Lucy is now 9 months pregnant and on maternity leave. Lucy decided to go to the station to grab something that she left there. She took Noah with her. They arrived at the station and got out.

Noah- "You know you probably shouldn't be driving. You could pop at any second."

Lucy- "Don't jinx me Noah."

They walk in and go toward Lucy's desk which is right next to Angela's and Nyla's desks. Tim sees and approaches them.

Tim- "Hey son. Hey Lucy."

Lucy- "Hey."

Noah didn't say anything to him. He seen his aunt Angela.

Noah- "I see Aunt Angela. I'm gonna go talk to her."

Lucy- "Okay. I'll be there in a minute."

Tim- "What are you doing here. Aren't you on maternity leave?"

Lucy- "Yes but I had to grab some stuff."

Lucy walks away from him and goes to Angela and Noah.

Angel- "Hey Lucy. You're so big."

Lucy- "I know. It feels like I have 2 bowling balls inside of me."

Angela- "I would say it sucks, but I never had twins before."

Nyla walks over.

Nyla- "Hey momma" she said giving Lucy a hug.

Lucy- "Hey I just came here for a few-" she was cut off by something wet going down her legs and then water hitting the floor.

Lucy- "Noah call Conrad. My water just broke."

Noah calls Conrad.


Conrad- Hey son

Noah- Moms water just broke. We are at the station. She had to pick up a few things.

Conrad- I'm on my way. Just keep her calm.

Noah- Okay.

••Call Ends••

Noah- "He's on his way."

Lucy- "Thank you."

Angela- "Let's get you into the break room.

They go to the break room and Conrad arrives. They rush to the hospital. After 2 hours of trying to push the baby out. They had to call for an emergency C-section as one of the babies were still only 34 weeks and was in distress. The doctors got both babies out. The older baby was a girl and she is perfectly fine, but when they pulled out the smaller boy. He wasn't breathing and he only weighs 3 pounds 4 ounces. They got him breathing and down to the NICU. Their baby girl didn't require the NICU.

Dr- "Your son is going to need the ventilator to help him breathe. I need your consent"

Conrad and Lucy- "Yes do it" they said as they nodded their heads.

Noah is finally able to come back into a room with his mom and Conrad. He adored his baby sister, but was sad that his brother was in the NiCU.

Noah- "Do I have to go to his house this weekend?"

Lucy- "You know that not up to be bud"

Noah- "Can you ask"

Lucy- "Why can't you."

Noah- "I'm scared"

Lucy- "Scared of what? Him saying no?"

Noah- "Yeah."

Lucy- "Just text him and ask."

Noah- "Fine"


Noah- Can I stay with mom this weekend? She just had the twins and one of them is in the NICU.

Tim- No. You are only here every other weekend now.

Noah- Can we at least have one weekend without your friend.

Tim- Noah she is apart of our lives whether you like her or not. You better get used to her being there because she's moving in.

Noah- Wow well i'm gonna stick with not liking her. You may as well just have a kid with her and let me be with mom.

Tim- If we end up having a kid you are still going to be here and helping with the kid.

Noah- I'm not a live in nanny and you guys really thought about have a baby wow.

Tim- You live the twins. Why not if I had one with Ashley.

Noah- One word. Ashley.

Tim- Goodbye. I'll be at the hospital to pick you up at 6.

••Text over••

Noah- "I have to go over there."

Lucy- "You want to hold your sister" she said as she handed him the baby.

Lucy- "It's okay Noah. I'll still be right here when you come back on Sunday. Just talk to Harlow all weekend."

Noah- "Already planned on it. Actually she's face-timing me right now" he answered with one hand because the baby was sleeping in his other.

••FaceTime Harlow••

Harlow- "Hey love. Did your mom have the babies?@

Noah- "She did, but my brother is in the NiCU."

Harlow- "What are their names?"

Noah- "Malcom James Hopkins and Brielle Atlas Hopkins."

Harlow- "Those are beautiful names and you seen to be really good with babies."

Noah- "I've got to go to my dad's this weekend, but I'll be back at the hospital Sunday around noon. If you want to meet them. Is that okay mom?"

Lucy- "Of course baby. She's always welcome."

Noah- "So would you want to?"

Harlow- "Of course."

Noah- "any dad will be here soon, so I have to go, but I'll call you tonight."

Harlow- "Okay. Bye handsome"

Noah- "Bye Beautiful."

••Call Ends•

Lucy- "Things seem to be going well for the two of you."

Noah- "They are"

I'm sorry!! It's getting really late and I have to start going into the high school for 1 hour a day starting the 18th (tomorrow) so I have to post this u finished chapter to get it out on time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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