Chapter 8

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It's been a month. Lucy is now 3 months pregnant. It's the day of court for custody. Noah and Gigi go with Billie for the day. Lucy and Conrad arrive at the court house and waits inside. Tim and Ashley also arrive and wait. Eventually they get called into the courtroom. Tim starts to argue with Lucy.

Tim- "Ashley would be a better parent for Noah." he said to the judge.

Lucy- "My son doesn't even like Ashley sir. Every time Noah is at his dad's house, he is complaining about wanting to come back home. He has even taken it as far as expressing that he wishes Conrad was his dad. His doesn't even listen to Tim half the time. There's been times where Noah has left the house without telling him where he was going and I had to get involved. One night he was angry with his dad about Ashley and he left and smoked pot behind our backs. He was honest with me when I asked what he was doing. He does his homework everyday without being asked. He doesn't slam doors at my house or leave without asking. He helps without being asked. He has manners. Sir my son is 14. I'm aware that he has a choice that will be considered into your decision. If you would. I have a note from my son to you."

Judge- "I'll take a look"

~I had a conversation with my mom. I'm finally old enough to have a voice in the choice of where I want to live. I want to be with my mom and Conrad. Conrad plays sports with me, they include me, they make sure i'm comfortable with everything we do. They listen to my feeling and opinions. They value them. I dread going to my dad's house every week. I wish I could be with my mom more~

Judge- "Mr. Bradford. It's your turn to try to persuade me."

Tim- "Respectfully Sir. He's just a kid. He doesn't know, what he wants. I know what's best for him and that is Ashley and I."

Judge- "In this note he states that his mom and Conrad listens to his feelings and opinions and that they value him. I see now that you don't seem to care about his feelings because he's just a child. Children are smart Mr. Bradford. A lot of children know what they want. With the information I have. I will be granting primary custody to Lucy Chen and Mr. Bradford, you will be able to see him every other weekend. Court dismissed."

Lucy and Conrad are happy. They leave and show up at Billie's house. They knock on the door and Billie answers. Noah comes up behind her.

Noah- "How did it go?"

Lucy- "We have you. You will see your dad every other weekend and the rest of the time you will be with us!"

Noah- "No way!" he said excitedly.

Conrad- "Yes. Now come and give us a hug."

Noah gave them a hug and they all went to lunch to celebrate.

As the week went on Noah has been happier then ever. He had friends over all the time and he and Conrad had been having time alone together while Gigi and Lucy had days together. Gigi had only called her mama at the dinner table that one time until this morning. Lucy heard a knock on the door and went to open it. Gigi reached her hands out for Lucy to pick her up.

Gigi- "Mama i'm hungry. Daddy said we could take you out for breakfast."

Lucy- "Yes. Let me get my shoes on."

Gigi- "Is bubba here?"

Lucy- "No sweetie. Noah isn't here"

Gigi- "Oh okay."

They went out to breakfast.

Weeks and weeks went by. Lucy is 5 months pregnant. One twin being 20 weeks and the other being 14 weeks. Gigi had still been calling Lucy mama. Conrad and Lucy were sat on the couch.

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