Chapter 2

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It's now Monday night. Tim arrived home and Noah got dropped off.

Tim- "Son, Can we talk?"

Noah- "I guess."

Tim- "I've been seeing someone for the past month. I would like you guys to meet."

Noah- "Are you kidding me!" he said angrily.

Tim- "What Noah"

Noah- "You're trying to replace my mom!" he said as be stood up.

Tim- "We split up years ago Noah. It's not like i'm replacing your mother as your mother. Lucy will always be your mom, but we will never be back together Noah. Sit down so we can talk more. She coming over tomorrow for dinner."

Noah- "Why even ask what I think if you already set up dinner." he says as he goes to his room and slams his door.


Noah- Mom I want to come home

Lucy- What happened baby

Noah- Dad wants me to meet his new girlfriend tomorrow. I don't want him to be with anyone.

Lucy- I'm sorry bud. Let me talk to your dad about coming to get you.

Noah- Thank you.

Lucy- I'm not making any promises because it's up to him, but i'll try my best. I love you.

Noah- I love you too momma."

••Text Over••

Lucy calls Tim.

••Noah's Dad••

Tim- Hey what do you need?

Lucy- Noah wants to come back home. Can I pick him up.

Tim- No. He's just upset that I have a girlfriend.

Lucy- He 14 Tim. Don't be mad at him about it okay. Just leave him alone for the rest of the night. I'll let him know that I can't come get him.


Lucy- I'm sorry buddy. I tried and he said no.

Noah- It's okay. At least you tried. Dad doesn't.

Lucy- How about you get some rest. I love you. Sleep well.

Noah- I love you too.

[Text Over]

[Tuesday Morning]

Tim woke up to a quiet house. He thought his son was still sleeping. He walked into the kitchen and seen a note.

~I decided to walk to school. I have basketball ball practice after school and then after that I have football practice. I'll be back at your house at 7-

The thing that Tim noticed was that he referred to home as "your house". Why doesn't he feel at home? Tim thought. Anytime he talks about his mom's house he says my house or at home.

••At school••

When Noah got to class he was quieter than usual. He isn't a kid who talks out during class, but he usually talked to the teacher and his friends before class started. Instead he went straight to a desk and sat down. Class ended and instead of waiting for his friends he went to his next class. He ignored everyone until lunch. He sat down with his friends. Normally he would get a plate of food and sit. Instead he didn't eat today. His mom usually texts him everyday to see what's for lunch.


Lucy- Hey kiddo. How's your day going?

Noah- Hey mom. It's fine I guess.

Lucy- What's wrong?

Noah- I have to meet dad's girlfriend tonight.

Lucy- I'm sorry baby. What's for lunch?

Noah- I don't know. I'm not eating.

Lucy- You have to eat. You have basketball and football after school. Please eat Noah. I'll bring you something to eat if you want.

Noah- At least one of you remembers I have practice. Can you get me a burger please?

Lucy- Of course. I'll be there soon.

Noah- Okay.

••Text Over••

••At the station••

Lucy- "Angela. Do you want to come with me? I'm gonna grab a burger and take it to Noah."

Angela- "Sure let's go."

They both had their badges around their neck. They had their gun and taser on their hips and handcuffs in their pockets as they are detectives. They grab Noah some lunch and head into the office.

Lucy- "I have lunch for Noah Bradford."

Office Lady- "You can go ahead to the cafeteria detectives."

Lucy and Angela head to the lunch room. As they walk in people are worried because there are 2 cops in the cafeteria. They start heading towards Noah. Noah gets up and starts walking towards them.

Noah- "Hey mom. Hey Aunt Angela."

Angela- "Hey kiddo. I've missed you." she said giving him a fist bump.

Lucy- "Hey buddy." she said giving her son a hug.

Noah- "Thanks mom"

Noah's best friend Lucas walks up to them.

Lucy- "Hey Lucas" she says as he gives him a hug. They have been friends since 1st grade. Lucas is like a bonus kid to Lucy. Lucas calls her mom and Noah calls Lucas's parents mom and dad.

Lucas- "Hey momma Lucy."

Lucy-  "There's another burger in there for you."

Lucas- "Thank you"

After 5 minutes Lucy and Angela hug Noah and then leaves. Noah remains quiet until last period when his friends ask why he has been so quiet.

Alex- "Yo Noah."

Noah- "What"

Alex- "Why you been so quiet today?"

Noah- "No reason."

Mason- "Are you sure man?"

Noah- "Look dude. I said i'm fine."

Noah raises his hand and asks to go to the nurse. He gets a pass to go to the nurse.

Nurse- "What brings you in here?"

Noah- "People keep asking me why i've been so quiet today. I just want to be left alone."

Nurse- "I'm sorry, but I can't keep you in here. How about you go talk to the counselor and I'll let your teacher know where you are."

Noah- "Okay fine."

Noah heads in the counselors office. He closes the door and sits down.

Counselor-  "Hey Noah. How have you been."

Noah- "Everyone keeps asking me that. I'm fine okay."

Counselor- "What's going on."

Noah- "My dad has a new girlfriend. He's forcing me to meet her tonight after basketball and football practice. The practices I have in which they forgot. I just wish I could always be with my mom."

Counselor- "Have you tried expressing how you feel about him having a girlfriend and that you aren't ready to meet her?"

Noah- "Yes. He set up for us all to have dinner together before he even told me he had a girlfriend. We had an argument last night. All I did was try to tell him how I feel."

They talk for a while and Noah heads back to class. After school Noah goes into the gym for basketball practice. At the end he goes outside to the field for football. He calls his Aunt Angela to come pick him up. Tim was supposed to but he forgot.

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