~ The Kingdom of the Sea: Chapter 3 ~

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Hare's revelation was met with a shocked silence. Kestrel was the first to break the silence.

"You monster," she growled. "How could you kill an innocent dragon?"

Moor lifted his head. Sand dripped off of his snout and some poured from his nostrils.

"He's our enemy," Moor snapped. "He's not innocent in the eyes of the SkyWings. He's a no good peace monger. He's lucky we let him stay in our healers' cavern as long as we did. We should've killed him right away."

Kestrel snarled and smoke rose from her nostrils. "I ought to slit your throat."

"Wait," Glory said, stepping forward. "Let's not kill him yet."

"Seriously?" Tsunami said, looking at her. "You were just rooting for us to kill him. Now that we're willing to do it, you want to talk peace?"

"We should get some information first," Glory said. She poked Moor's nose. "What were you doing out here?"

"We were searching for a place to stay," Moor replied.

"A place to stay?" Starflight said, tilting his head.

"Why don't you just stay at the palace?" Sunny asked.

Hare didn't give Moor time to answer. She quickly dropped into a crouch to be eye level with him.

"Is that really what your patrol was doing?" she demanded.

Moor scoffed. "We're no patrol."

"Then why are you all flying out here in that group?" Glory asked, looking up at the sky.

"We're our own group," Moor explained. "We left the kingdom after Scarlet was attacked and forced to step down. We're nothing more than rogues now." He looked over at Sunny. "That's why we can't stay at the palace."

"So who's queen now?" Kestrel asked.

"Ruby is."

"Did she make you leave?" Starflight asked. "Why not stay?"

"Ruby's no queen," Moor said, snorting. "Queen Scarlet is the only queen I'll follow. Without her, the kingdom will fall into madness."

"More like the kingdom will fall into peace," Hare spat. "Scarlet was cruel."

"And the ally of your mother," Moor snarled. "Watch your mouth, young one."

"If anyone should be watching their mouth it's you," Hare snapped, her voice almost a roar. Anger was boiling in her belly like a raging fire. "You're outnumbered, and only moments away from death."

"My group will notice I'm gone soon enough," Moor hissed.

Unable to hold herself back any longer, Hare reared up on her hindlegs. She raised her talon, then brought it down and struck a powerful blow to his snout. Moor opened his mouth to yelp, but Hare quickly slammed her talons on his snout and clamped it shut.

"Shut up!" she snapped. "Just shut up!"

"Hare-" Sunny started.

"No!" Hare roared. "He murdered Hvitur, and now he's taunting us."

Tsunami grabbed Hare's arm and made her look at her. "Hvitur tried to kill you," Tsunami reminded her.

"That doesn't mean he deserved to die!" Hare shot back.

"Let's just kill him and get it over with," Kestrel snarled.

Tsunami and Clay exchanged a look.

"This is exactly what we're trying to stop," Sunny squeaked. "Killing innocent dragons for no reason is wrong."

"Moor isn't innocent!" Hare growled, snapping her head around to look at the little SandWing.


Hare couldn't tell if the SeaWing was really strong or if Hare was weakened by anger and grief, but Tsunami managed to pull Hare away from Moor.

"We're going to kill him," Tsunami said quietly. "We don't have many other options now, but please try to collect yourself."

"Let me tear his head off," Hare snarled, ignoring what Tsunami had said.

Tsunami pulled Hare by her arm and brought her over to Kestrel.

"Keep her calm," Tsunami said. "We'll do this quickly."

"How exactly do you plan on doing this?" Kestrel demanded.

Tsunami looked back at Moor. "I'll drown him."

"Make it quick," Kestrel snapped. "I don't want to breathe the same air as him for a single heartbeat more."

"We will," Tsunami promised, turning back to Moor. She walked over to the SkyWing. Hare watched as she leaned over and said something in his ear.

"That better be something threatening!" Hare called.

Tsunami looked over her shoulder. "It was," she called back, stepping away from him. She looked at Clay, who was still holding Moor down. "Put as much weight on him as you can."

Clay pressed himself closer to Moor, putting as much weight as he could onto the SkyWing. Tsunami pointed at Glory. "Hold his mouth open."

Glory walked across the sand and pried Moor's jaws open. Tsunami quickly reached in and grabbed Moor's tongue. He watched in horror as Tsunami sliced his tongue off in one clean cut.

"Move," Tsunami said, pushing on Clay. Clay got off of Moor. Tsunami grabbed him and heaved him toward the water. Within a few moments she disappeared beneath the waves, dragging Moor with her. Glory made a disgusted face as she used her tail to knock his tongue into the water.

Hare watched impatiently as she waited for Tsunami to remerge. She needed to know Moor was dead.

After what felt like ages, Tsunami crawled out of the water and back onto the beach. She shook out her scales.

"We can't stay here," she said, looking at the sky. Kestrel snorted. "Obviously."

"Well then stop dawdling." Starflight flicked sand off his tail and walked to the edge of the beach. "Let's go find somewhere to spend the night."

Wings of Fire: The Kingdom of the Sea | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now