Chapter 12: "What's a rose without some thorns?" Pt.2

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"Well this is something new. Not really part of my plan though." Scary Larry said while looking a little confused on where all the players went. "Well of course shit for brain. You literally hijacked the game setting." Colover said in an irritated tone.

"And you should watch your filthy mouth, you ungrateful brat." He said while glaring at her.

"What? I'm just stating a fact. Oh right, of course you won't understand because you're old." She responded in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh please I'm not that old!? I'm only like what, 80+. At least I have such strong limbs and don't look like a crocketed zombie freak like you all the time." He snapped back. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. At least I have a good heart and ain't greedy like you all. I have even better intelligence than you. Oh right! more like your brain is literally the size of a peanut brain. You expired grape purple guy wanna." She said while rolling her eyes and laughed in unison (yes. I have the urge to call him that)

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME YOU LITTLE SHIT-" He gritted his teeth and charged at her. Colover immediately reacted and moved to the side causing him to crash at the pillar. "AND I AIN'T GOING TO MY WORDS BACK BOY-"

"Damn she's really making Boss pissed." Minion 35 said. "I mean what else do you expect man. She's literally against us. Of course any hero or the good party would try to piss off the negative party. Use your brain man." Minion 93 said, looking annoyed. It then revolted to the Minions having a stupid small argument which Chef Minion sighed before muttering, "Why am I the only sane Minion here..? And again, why is my name even Chef? 😐" Little do they realize that Leafy was crawling up the sewer walls, ready to attack them

Somewhat back to Colover and Scary Larry, they were just basically fighting. Throwing hands and weapons on each other and it just keeps getting worse as the minutes pass by.

"How dare you abandon us after all the things we did for you!?" Scary Larry yelled as he swung his crowbar at her, only for her to dodge it. "And let you guys hurt innocent roblox players!? Not a chance!" As she used her sword and clashed into his crowbar. "22 years.... 22 YEARS you hear!? We searched you day and night non-stop, hoping that you would forsaken once be alive and this is what we received!?"

"Are you sure about that?" She said while glaring at him. He stayed silent for a second before continuing talking, "Okay I can understand that most never like you but you worried the ones who truly cared about you!? Especially me!?"

He smashed the crowbar in front of her as she quickly backed away. "What did we do that made you now to restent us huh!? Weren't we good enough for you!? You know, YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT BEEN A NUSINECE TO US." As he started charging at her. Of course, she already expected him to say that. But it's too late, there is nothing that can be done.

As the fight continued, Leafy was able to get the Sewer balcony and immediately tackled Minion 67. "OMG IT'S THE DEMON CHILD AGAIN 😨" He screamed as he tried to get Leafy off him. "DUDE NOT AGAIN-"

Somewhere in the Sewer maps:

Group 302 were all splitted up due the glitch and were all over the map. Across of an uncompleted part of the Sewer map, there could be a faint argument being heard which turn to a heated one. Voices of Dankin and Fred could be heard as they were the ones arguing with one another. Showing how angry they were towards each other.

"The heck is wrong with you Dankin!? We have to go find the other and Colover. Especially when she's dealing with an actual Mob boss herself!?" Fred yelled in frustration while Dankin scoffed, "Please Fred, Colover can handle herself like she always does. She doesn't need our help as always."

"Dude why are you always like this to her!? Don't take any offense but you have been acting like shit to her ever since you met and got together with her. Do you even love her!?" He questioned Dankin in suspicion. He got quiet at first before he replied in defense.

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