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Kelani pov
The girl startled me as I thought she was sleeping and I said "sorry I didn't mean to wake up" she just chuckled and sat up from her laying position "you didn't wake me it's kinda hard for me to fall asleep when I'm home alone

But anyways what's your name I'm Nakiyah but daddy calls me princess" I looked at her crazy as she was actually referring to our kidnappers as daddy "uhhh I'm Kelani" she smiled again but not like a creepy smile she seemed pretty chill and laid back

She was very pretty with lots of tattoos and her hair pulled back in a bun and her voice was very calming she looked very taken care of but me on the other hand I was covered in bruises my long black hair all over the place and I know I had bags from all the crying

"Well how are you doing Kelani" I scuffed "uhh nakiyah was it I'm not trying to sound mean because I'm really not but why do you seem so happy like didn't you get kidnapped to"

She huffed "you can just call me Kiya and yeah but this life is better then the one I was living before so I choose to see it differently that's all" I nodded "may I ask how you got here if I'm not over stepping" she nodded

"So about 12 years ago I was living with my aunt and uncle because unfortunately my parents died in a house fire while I was visiting my grandparents in another state to give my parents a break

But unfortunately my aunt and uncle turned out to be terrible people and I was raped,abused,cut,humiliated just the whole stake and potato's until one day 5 years ago these two men came to give my uncle a visit because turns out he had a really bad drug problem that almost cost him the house

And his marriage but when it was time to pay up he didn't have the money so after a month of him making excuses and lies my uncle finally gave them me and at first I was scared just like you shit it took me about 2 years to get used to them but they aren't that bad

Yes a little strict but it's nothing after you get used to it" I nodded "that's sounds so sad I'm so sorry" she shook her head "don't be sorry I loved my parents but bad things happen to good people all the time and I've been living good for a while now so I guess it wasn't all bad"

I nodded "but how did you get here I know daddy told me he was bringing me a new friend but he didn't say much after that" I sighed "my momma hates me she's thinks I'm bad luck so all my life she has treated me like a slave to her and her husband until today

They came I guess to get the my stepdad owed them and my mom took the first opportunity to give me away now I'm here with you people" the girl nodded "look it's not as bad as it seems I promise like from where your sitting I probably seem fucking crazy in which I can understand

I'm sitting her naked calling my kidnappers daddy but after you get use to the daddy and being naked part I promise you'll love it here they are actually really nice and I get treated really good or at least better then what I was just give it a chance ok

I wouldn't be tell you all this If it wasn't true" I nodded "ok I'll take your work for it but I have a question will they force me to have sex with them" she huffed "that's a complicated situation so no not at first you'll just be cleaning and cooking but after a while

Papa which I the tall lightskin guy will ask you to do stuff for him like clean under his desk fully arched in the air or he will ask you question like have you ever played with yourself before
But they have never touched me with my consent every sexual experience we have had I wanted it"

I nodded "and you said you have been here for 5 years so was there anybody here before me" she looked like she got sad and said "yeah it was a girl named Rose she was a year younger than me and came two years after me

She was a little white girl she was the smartest most sweet girl you could ever meet but in daddies words she forgot her place because you see for the most part we have our own free will we'll after we get done our chores of course

But we can sleep with them after we have sex,watch movies,I even have outside privileges but she wanted to actually be in a relationship with daddy and if you haven't caught on or notice daddy and papa are together

I think married but I don't know and she mad a big scene about it and after they told her that what she wanted couldn't happen she went crazy like full on a psychotic break until one day I woke up and she was just gone"

My heart dropped "they killed her" she shook her head "no they just gave her to the trap where she will cater to honcho papa and daddies right hand man I see her sometimes and she still my friend but she seems so sad now I feel bad sometimes I think I should have said something"

I shook my head and said "she knew what type of people she was dealing with and she still decided to over step it's not your fault it really hers either she just got her feeling involved with the wrong people and you made the right choice keeping yourself safe

Like you said you love it here and why fuck that up" she nodded and smiled "I'm gonna like you"

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