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Kelani pov
So I was now just standing in the middle of the bathroom waiting for the light skin man to hopefully just help me wash like a part of me wants Kiyah to be right a part of me wants to believe that they just wanna help us

But I've become to smart to believe stuff like that actually happens in reality "get in the bath ima fill it up while you in there so we can make this quick" he came in while I was deep in my thoughts I didn't even hear him coming in but i quickly did what he said to not make him angry

And he immediately turned on the water and felt it with his hand until I guess it was a good temperature in his opinion then he grabbed the soap and held his hand out for the rag he gave me to put on my face

"I'm only gonna show you this once so try and pay attention" I nodded "wet the rag and put the soap on it then you gotta make sure that the soap is a lathering consistency and then you wash from your neck down" he did all the things he was saying then he put the rag on my neck making me instantly tense

And making him suck his teeth "girl ain't nobody finna touch you smelling like this" which gave me a sense of relief but he would be surprised I guess my stepdad was just a vile creature "I'm sorry I'm scared"

He rolled his eyes at me as he continued to wash all of me from my neck to my chest my underarms and eventually he got to my lady parts "stand up on your knees" I was nervous but did what he said and then he took the rag to my my purse

Only washing the outside "you only gotta clean the outside of your pussy because the inside self cleans now bend over and turn around" I listened to everything he told me as he rubbed my skin roughly and the water turned a light brown color

You would have thought he was rubbing off my chocolate skin but it felt good to be clean in a way

*time jump*
Chris pov
"You gotta talk to Niyah" so it's been a few hours since I washed Kelani and my husband just got home "what the fuck she did now" he asked as we both walked up to our room for him to see Kelani curled up in our bed asleep when he walked in

"I guess Kelani said something that Kiyah didn't like so she slapped her and started to have a fucking melt down" hezzy made a face "well what the fuck did she say because Kiyah is normally calm for the most part"

I huffed "she's calm with us you know how she is with other people especially other girls you know how she was with rose until she finally got comfortable with her and Kelani don't seem like the type to say shit just to make a person mad

Like when I went down to see what happened she looked genuinely terrified" hezzy huffed "so I'm guess this whole situation is why she's unconscious on our bed with her pussy on my pillow" I let out a small chuckle because she was indeed

Cuddling hezzy pillow that covered the front of her body but she had it in between her legs because she was laying on top of the covers  "yes and no I told her since her and Kiyah got into a argument to just go fix herself up like take a shower and wash her hair

But she said she didn't know how to do it so I spent the last two hours washing her,shaving her,and doing hair and after all that she's the one tired" he shook his head "she's 18 how the fuck don't she know how to wash her ass" I shrugged

"You seen how fast her mom was to give her to us I highly doubt her mom gave a fuck about her hygiene" he nodded "you right but what you wanna do with her now because she can't stay in our bed like I just got back from the trap and my body hurts I just wanna lay down"

I shrugged "I mean I think we should just let her sleep for right now while you go talk to Kiyah because I don't care what she said even if it was about us but Kiyah just can't be putting hands on the girl for no reason especially

When she's twice her height and if Kelani can't or won't fight back" my husband shrugged "if she's gonna be here with Kiyah I think we should just have them figure that shit out on there own because us stepping in would be just like another rosé situation"

I rolled my eyes because a few months ago we had to get rid of our sub rosé because after being with us so long she started to catch feeling for me and I really didn't think to much into it because I know what comes with having a sub but after she

Told me how she felt and I guess I didn't tell her what she wanted to hear she would fight Kiyah have melt downs and just started to become to much for us so hezzy decided that giving her to the trap would be the best place for her to be if she couldn't respect our rules

And I agreed "have them figure it out and having them fight it out is two different things bae so just go talk to Kiyah because we don't need this girl fucking even more scared for her life then she already is so please for me just go talk to her

Because if I do it I might loose my temper you know how much I hate when she gets like that" hezzy rolled his eyes "ight fine but when I get back we have to find something to do with sleeping beauty nigga I'm tried"

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