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Hezzy pov
I shook my head as I walked down the steps to find Kiyah not really wanting to deal with this right now but I don't want to have problems with my husband so I guess here I go so I finally made it down the steps

And walked into the kitchen where I seen Kiyah making lunch "ayo kiyah" the sound of my voice made her stop making the sandwiches and come around the counter and getting on her knees in from of me "hi daddy" I rolled my eyes because she knew she was in trouble

"Stand up and look at me in my eyes" she stood up and looked at me I could tell she was nervous by the way she was squirming in place "yes daddy" I looked at her in her eyes for a second and said "so you hitting people now"

"I uhhh I have a good reason" I sucked my teeth "and what would your reasoning be Nakiyah" she swallowed a lump in her throat before saying "me and her were cleaning earlier and I was trying to get to know her and make her comfortable like papa ask but

She called me crazy and was talking about y'all and I got upset she doesn't even know y'all how could she talk so bad about y'all" I huffed "Kiyah she just got here and just like you she has to get used to being here right" she nodded

"Did we hit you ever time you came popping off at the fucking mouth when you got here you know what how about every time you fuck up I smack you would you like that" she shook her head "no daddy I'm sorry for being a bad girl I was just upset I don't know what came over me"

I rolled my eyes at her pleading and said "yeah whatever man you hear what I said don't fucking put your hands on nobody else you and me or papa now finish do what your doing and go to your fucking room"

Her head dropped but she nodded her head and walked back to the kitchen

*time jump*
Kelani pov
Uhhh what time is it I think I fell asleep after the light skin guy washed my hair and I started to wake up because truth be told I was kinda hot so my eyes started to flutter open for me to come face to face with one of my kidnappers

The dark skin on this time making me freeze with fear while I felt another around wrapped around me I'm guessing belonged to the light skin man and to say I was afraid was an understatement so I slowly tried to move without waking them up but

Right when I tried to sit up I heard "lay yo ass back down" making me freeze again it came from behind me "I'm sorry I have to use the bathroom" he groaned and kept holding me for a few more seconds before he got up and held his hand out for me to grab

"You didn't have to get up I'm sorry" he rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist then we walked to the bathroom he turned on the lights and walked me to the toilet "use the bathroom bro I wanna lay back down" I nodded and sat down

To do my business and grabbed some toilet paper but when I got finished and tried to wipe he said "I hope you know you have to wipe front to back" I actually did know that because when I was about 15 I was wiping the wrong way for a while and I got a really bad uti according to the school nurse

"Yes I know" I then finished wiping and stood up "go wash your hands" I nodded and started to make my way over to the sink and washed my has as he watched me not like in a creeping plotting way just with a plank stare I guess making sure I did everything right

But once I got done washing my hand he pointed back to the bedroom and I walked in to his the dark skin man now away with his shirt off now rolling his weed up "when did you wake up" the light skin man said to the dark skin one

"Just now where you went" he pointed to me and said "she had to piss so I took her to the bathroom and made sure she did everything right" they continued talking for a while making me block them out until they said my name making me pay attention

"Yes I'm sorry" I said making the dark skin man roll his eyes "I said after dinner you finna sleep in here since Kiyah can't keep her hands to herself" I shook my head "I really don't have to that would be invading of your space and I should apologize to

Kiyah I made her upset by saying some things I probably shouldn't" my words made them boy roll there eyes "first off what I said wasn't a question it was a statement and second you need to toughen up yes you made Kiyah upset but she knew better than to raise her hand to you and next time you better hit her ass back

Don't let nobody raise there hand to you" I was about to defend myself but quickly decided against it because I'm sure it would do me no good in this situation so I just said "ok sir" he shook his head again but pointed to the bed next to him

"Now come lay your ass down with all that damn crying I know your damn head hurt over here let people hurt your feeling" I huffed and crawled back into bed next to him and laid down and shortly after I did the light skin man followed suit

Getting under the covers next to me and getting on his phone

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