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Kelani pov
"Lani lemme holler at you for a second" ok so it's a few hours later and i basically stayed in the room all day because I was already sad then hezzy hurt my feelings even more but now Chris just walked in my room so I sat up and said

"Yes sir" he huffed and came to sit down next to me "look I don't do this at all so don't take this with a grain of salt but I'm sorry for earlier you didn't say anything out of pocket and you were respectful he should have never made you cry" I nodded "it's ok he's kinda right it's just not what I wanted to

Hear I guess" he shook his head "all that shit is not necessarily true because if you do good you will start to get privileges like outside,a phone,we might even let you take online college classes you just have to show us your loyal to us and show us that you are our and your not going anywhere"

I started to get into a better mood "are you serious about college" he nodded "yes but that's more like a year or two
Thing because you got here a month ago and I'm pretty sure the only thing you know is our names and not even our government

So you have to at least start trying like getting along with Kiyah for One I know she's a little bit more use to things then you but she basically lost everything that mattered to her just to be treated bad by her family like you can even ask her

Kiyah has a younger brother that's 17 and she doesn't ask for much she just wants to call him every once and a while and she wants him to get his college paid for next year and since she's been loyal to me I can make that happen

And like he doesn't even know how she's living or how she got here he just knows his big sister lives in a big house with 2 roommates and has money like if you start to get your phone privileges back you don't have to tell your sister

What really went down just to give her a sense of peace because I know if you got treated like shit so did she and so she don't gotta worry about you because your fine right do you feel in any danger or are you starving"

She shook her head "no but I was really serious about me appreciating everything y'all are doing this is probably the healthiest I've been in my whole life and I like when you brush my hair and it's like I know I should hate y'all like hate should be the correct human response

But I don't even though hezzy can be a little mean and you are very nonchalant yall take very good care of me and I will definitely start trying harder to get used to things I just miss my sister

That's really the only thing I hate about it here I had a big jar of change in my room back home so I could use the pay phone by the corner to call her ever week and even if it was just one time it was ok be I still talked to her

She's really the only good thing that came from my mom" Chris was looking at me as I talked and said "ight so how about this of you try some things and start getting along with Kiyah I'll talk to hezzy and see if we can get you a phone to call your sister"

My heart started to beat fast and I was so excited "really! oh my gosh because that's all I really want you don't even have to do the college thing if I could just talk to kamora once I would be forever grateful" Chris chuckled and stood up

"Don't get to excited because like I said shit will happen in all so time and I still have to bring it up to hezzy so like I said just start trying to do better and we can make some shit shake" I nodded and said ok then he was about to walk out

But I started thinking "hey Chris" he turned around "don't call me Chris you know the rule but wassup" I nodded "sorry but uhh I was really telling the true I don't know the first thing there is to it about sex like I don't even play with myself"

He nodded "and that's just something your gonna have to be taught weather it be me and hez or you and Kiyah your gonna learn everything you need to in due time" I nodded "uhh what if I wanna learn something right now"

He raised his eyebrow "what do you mean you wanna learn something" I huffed and stood up "I wanna learn about my body I never was really was taught more like thrown to a shark and I don't like my body let alone not know how it works

And I again wasn't lying when I call y'all attractive i just think it's wrong to find the people your supposed to hate attractive but since I'm gonna be here a while and I do wanna eventually have sex I would find it extremely impossible for me to please anyone

If I can't even please myself so I wanna learn but if your to busy to teach me I completely understand" he looked at me blankly for a second but eventually said "you got in the shower yet" making me shake my head "I got in last night but I was just gonna wait until after lunch

So I didn't smell like food immediately after washing because I know hezzy said he was gonna order food today" he nodded "ight uhh go hope in the shower then come to my room after your finished"

I nodded then he walked out

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