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Kelani pov
1 month later
ok so it's been a month since I was taken from my family and I wanna be honest it's not that bad or at least as worse as when I was with my family like the boys who names I now know are Chris and hezzy

Are pretty ok people for the most part they are a little nonchalant and a lil mean but as long as you don't do anything to piss them off they will be nice then it's better because I don't have to wake up at 6am anymore to clean

I don't have to do crazy stuff anymore like rotating tires or changing oil and they don't touch me inappropriately but they do have sex with Kiyah a lot and speaking of Kiyah we are not the biggest fans of each other

Because I know at home I was timid and sweet but that's because that was my momma but when I was in school I didn't stick up for myself that much but one thing I was good at is telling people when I was uncomfortable

And when I didn't like something so I guess when she tried making me see where she was coming from and I wasn't trying to hear it she got upset with me because like even though yes I have 3 solid meals a day

They helped me learn about my hygiene,had a doctors to come to the house to check on me,and they even help me do my hair sometimes but that doesn't take away from the fact of how I got here and I will never not forget that

They take girls from there homes as a source of payment to one day be there maid in which I would understand if the girl wanted out that house or I would be a little less against if they just asked shoot I might have even left with them willingly if I could just go for my own free will

But instead I was carried out to a random car,drugged,and taken to a whole different state and I only know I'm in a different state is because when I watch tv the commercials tell me because I'm from Baltimore

I'm in Chicago which in hindsight is crazy because that's over a ten hour drive so that really makes me think to like how strong was that drug because I promise myself I would never do drugs because my mom did them

And I'm not talking about weed because if she just did that if I was about to go to college I would have tried it to I'm not even gonna lie but she did molly,percs,Xanax,bombs,and I think she even tried cocaine before

But I'm not to sure about that but I do almost every man made drug you can think of she has tried and honestly those drugs should have been my best friend because some days her and my step dad would get so high they would forget I was even in the house

For hours and days and honestly that's how she almost lost her job not because of me she tried to blame me but she was to high to get up let alone work because my mom is a dentist and it's kinda hard to play in someone mouth when your higher then them

Same with my stepdad he was a pediatric surgeon and he was a little more control with his drug use but he still almost lost his job to for going in high one day but there is a doctor shortage so he just got told to never do that again

Which in all actuality they should have both got harder repercussions but that's just my personal opinion oh and what else about my momma she stayed getting cps called on her because as you can tell my parents make good money

Or at least they did before they went in debt but we lived in a nice neighborhood a little outside the hood a nice 4 bedroom 2 bathroom house and it was in between two schools they had Westbrook high school that was more into the suburbs and 15 minutes away from our house

And South-haven which was located in the hood but it was 10 minutes away from our house so my mom made me and my sister go there because in some ways people in my school had a don't ask don't tell personality

Until one day we got a new counselor and she seen me walking around school one day and I wasn't walking around looking homeless like wholes in my uniform and shoes but my hair wasn't that well kept and I didn't smell the best

So one day she pulled me into her office and asked about my home life and I over the years learned to have a don't tell mentality because I didn't wanna make is worse when I got home so she let it go until

She seen me come to school with bruises for the first time because in movies you can cover your bruises with makeup and hoodies well in my school was a heavily enforced no hoodie rule and I didn't have money to afford makeup

So she took it upon herself to find my address and call cps on my momma making them come to my house and making me sit and talk to them for hours and I had to lie and say I lost a fight I got in after school

And they didn't to much believe me making them watch my house closely for another year until I turned 18 which all actuality was a hit and a miss for because my parents stop beating me as frequently and as bad but

If they were still watching my house o probably would have never been kidnapped I guess I'm still just playing the shitty hand of cards god dealt me

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