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Kelani's pov
"Hey....hey Kelani wake up we have to start making breakfast they will be waking up soon" I felt a hand tapping me which made me instantly jump up forgetting where I was but once I seen Kiyah I semi kinda relaxed

"Huh what's going on" she smiled "it's 8 o'clock the boys should be up in an hour so that gives us time to start making breakfast and cleaning" I nodded and got from under my cover to reveal I was still naked "hey do we ever get to put clothes back on again"

She thought about it for a second and said "only when you get your outside privileges but other than that nope" I nodded "ok then good to know

*time jump*
"Hey Kelani do you have any friends back home" so it's been like 2 hours since me and Kiyah woke up and she's basically been just showing me how the house works like what to clean what to cook how to stay on the guys good side

And she is really nice despite me thinking she's about crazy as fuck "uhh I had a best friend but my mom told me I had to stop being friends with her so I only have my sister" she made a face "why did you have to stop talking to your best friend"

I shrugged as I continued cleaning "because she made me happy she fixed my hair up and helped me cover my bruises in  the summer so I wouldn't have to wear long sleeves she even let me borrow her old phone to call her some days

But one day my stepdad came in my room unexpectedly and see me on the phone then all hell broke loose he beat me for hour pull my hair giving me a bald spot and then after I was to weak to fight back he took advantage of me like he normally did

Then he went downstairs and told my mom making her change a lot of my classes and broke the phone into two she told me I wasn't aloud to have friends because she didn't wanna have to pay for anything my bad luck caused" she shook her head

"Your not bad luck see I've been around you all day and I'm perfectly fine she just didn't wanna accept the fact that things happened" I shrugged "i you don't have to reassure me about anything I know my mom hates me for more reasons then she lets out but

Im used to it now so all I really do is try to treat people better than I was treated but I guess I don't have much of a choice anymore" Kiyah huffed "I really wish you would at least give them a chance like you haven't even met them and your already judging and assuming"

I turned to her and made a face "Kiyah I have met them how do you think I got here" she shook her head "No I mean really meet them you have been here less than a day" "ok I've been here less then a day when I should be back home

I'm judging them because they take innocent girls out of there home and force them to be their slaves,im judging them because they drugged me to get me here,and I'm judging them because clearly I don't know what  they did to your brain

But clearly your being manipulated into thinking that this is normal" as I was talking Kiyah stood up and walked over to me and I guess I hit a never because she hit me *SLAP* I hit the ground hard as she screamed

"DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT THEM LIKE THAT BITCH YOU KNOW NOTHING" I was now scared I back into a corner in the kitchen and started crying as she continued to yell over me and lucky for me I learned how to block out screaming because

Of my mom so it just sounded like I was under water as I rocked back and forth waiting for screaming to stop but eventually as I was rocking and preying I felt me being lifted up from my feet to open my tear stained eyes to see the light skin man

Which made my heart drop remembering what they said yesterday "wait I'm sorry I didn't mean to make her upset I didn't mean it please have a heart I'm on 19 I'm sorry please don't kill me I'll do better"

The man looked down at me with no expression and he carried me up the steps and down the hallway sun the direction of what I told was his room until he opened the door with his foot because his hands were occupied with me then he sat me on the bed

"Can you please shut all that crying shit up ain't nobody finna kill you girl damn" he then walked off into a room that was connected to his room and based off me hearing the water running it had to be a bathroom

He then came back out with a wet rag and roughly put it on my left check  where Kiyah slapped me "I really didn't mean to make her upset I'm so sorry" he shook his head "Kiyah is sensitive and tends to have a bad temper I suggest you just watch your words around her

Or learn how to fight back" I nodded as I held the cold ran on my face while he walked away again and grabbed stuff out of the bathroom then minutes later he came back with soap,shampoo,conditioner,a tooth brush,tooth paste,and a towel

"You stink and we want our girl to look present for us so since you and Kiyah got into it im not finna force you to be around her choppa will handle her later but I want you to take a bath"

I looked up at him with my still tear stained eye and said "I don't know how sir or at least the way Kiyah does it" he made a face "what do you mean you don't know how you don't know how to take a shower"

I shook my head "not properly at least my momma never taught me about hygiene i haven't even taken a shower in days I'm sorry" my words made the light skin man huff again but he just said "ight man get into the bathroom and I'll be in there soon"

I looked at him skeptical at first but still nodded and hopped off the bed

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