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I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender. It belongs to Nickelodeon, Bryan Konietzko, and Michael Dante DiMartino. I only own Kali and her story.
Sparks flew off of the fire as Zuko's ship continued to follow the Avatar. Kali ducked as Zuko angrily threw his things, looking for his journal.

"I'm sure it'll turn up. You probably just misplaced it." Iroh told his nephew, who had thrown more things.

"And keep in mind, the notebook didn't find the Avatar. You did." Iroh continued as Kali covered her ears because Zuko kicked a jug.

"Iroh is right." Kali walked up to Zuko and wrapped her arms around him, trying to calm him down.

"He ran. The ultimate warrior! He's a coward!" Zuko ground his teeth together as he tried not to yell at Kali.

"I don't know about that. But it's clear that this Avatar is not what you or anyone else would have expected." Iroh said as Zuko turned around in frustration.

Zuko took a deep breath as he said, "We won't know until we find him. And I will find him. I'm still the heir to the throne. That's got to mean something, even in this dustbin corner of the world."

"It does." Iroh said as he walked up to the couple. "And in this case, it is precisely because we are in a quieter part of the world that we have an advantage."

Zuko turned towards Iroh as the man spoke. "How many places can there be for an Avatar to hide?"

"Please don't jinx it, Iroh." Kali pleaded with the old general.
When they reached shore, Kali, Zuko, and Iroh stopped at a market.

"Zuko, try it. It has..." Iroh stopped mid-sentence for the person in charge of the food stall to answer.

"Quailpole egg."

"Quailpole egg. They're very good for..."


"Vitality!" Iroh chuckled.

Kali rolled her eyes as Zuko shook his head "no".

"What are we doing here, uncle?" Zuko asked.

"This port houses the headquarters of the regional Fire Nation commander. It's a hub of local information. If anything, unusual were to happen in the vicinity, it would be reported here." Iroh explained.

Zuko and Kali looked at each other, then Zuko yelled at his uncle.

"Have you lost your mind? You want to ask a Fire Nation commander if they've seen the Avatar?"

"I don't like that idea." Kali shook her head, looking at Iroh.

"If word gets out, everyone in the world will be looking for him. We could lose everything." Zuko continued.

"Calm down." Iroh told them. "One thing you must learn is how to get what you want without revealing your true intentions."

Zuko nodded his head in understanding.

"You must use your tact, your empathy. But most importantly, you need to have sticky rice." Iroh said before getting distracted by more food.

Kali slapped her hand to her forehead as she and Zuko followed him.
"Where's your commander? I need recent surveillance reports right now." Zuko ordered a Fire Nation soldier.

"Excuse me?" The soldier scowled.

"And maps. Nautical maps. The more detailed, the better." Zuko continued.

The Daughter of KyoshiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang