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I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender. It belongs to Nickelodeon, Bryan Konietzko, and Michael Dante DiMartino. I only own Kali and her story.
"The wall is impenetrable and heavily guarded. The surrounding cliffs are hundreds of feet high. It is impossible to scale." Iroh tried to reason with Zuko.

"I know you think I'm reckless, but Zhao has cornered the Avatar, and he's not going to stop until he has him, so neither am I." Zuko shouts.

Kali walked up to Zuko, who closed his eyes ready for a slap in the face but got a kiss on the head instead.

"You better come back to me..." Kali whispered, wrapping her arms around him. Zuko followed Kali's lead and wrapped his arms around her too. "I promise. After this, I will marry you, my princess."

Kali let go as Zuko slowly lowered his boat into the water and began to paddle towards the Northern Water Tribe.
On his way to the Northern Water Tribe, Zhao called Iroh and Kali to discuss what he had planned for the attack.

"Forgive me, Admiral, but I'm confused." Iroh told Zhao.

"You wonder why the command ship isn't leading the attack." Zhao responded.

"It's does seem an unusual strategy." Iroh pointed out.

"Weren't you the one who pointed out a frontal assault on the Waterbenders would be fruitless?" Zhao asked.

"Well, yes, but--" Iroh started but was cut off by Zhao.

"So, it would make sense to attack on multiple fronts."

Both Iroh and Kali looked at Zhao in confusion.

"Open a new front? With one ship?" Iroh asked in disbelief.

"One ship, but not one vessel." Zhao said before he led Iroh and Kali to the deck to see a hot air balloon.

"You're going to attack with this?" Kali asked.

"Yes." Zhao smiled.

Then some Fire Nation fleets launched fire balls at the Water Tribe.
Later that night, as the Fire Nation kept attacking, Zhao, Kali, and Iroh were in the hot-air balloon as Iroh said, "Admiral, the Waterbenders draw their strength from the moon, and on a night like tonight, their powers will be at their peak. I suggest you pause the attack until daybreak."

"No." Zhao told them.

"Are you sure?" Kali asked.

"Yes. This is the only way to make sure the Fire Nation wins the war." Zhao explained.

Zhao explained that he found a scroll that said the spirit of the ocean and moon where here in the mortal realm and he wanted to find them and end the moon once and for all.
You're going to kill the ocean and moon spirits?" Iroh asked, shocked.

"Of course not. Killing the ocean spirit would deprive Waterbenders around the world of their lives. Men, women, children. I'm not a monster. No. I'm only going to kill the moon." Zhao said.

"That doesn't sound any better." Kali whispered to Iroh, as Iroh nodded in agreement. They needed to stop Zhao before he succeeded.
Zhao landed the balloon, and they went to a forest with an oasis in the middle, where two koi fish swam.

"What are those?" Kali asked, pointing at the fish.

"Those, dear princess, are the ocean and moon spirits in their mortal forms." Zhao chuckled scooping up the white fish and the once beautiful white moon turned red.

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