Into the Dark

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I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender. It belongs to Nickelodeon, Bryan Konietzko, and Michael Dante DiMartino. I only own Kali and her story.
Later that night, Zuko and Kali robbed two Earth Kingdom soldiers of their uniforms so they could sneak in and rescue Iroh. Kali put her folding fans in the holster of the belt for safekeeping.
As Zuko and Kali snuck around looking for Iroh, they were noticed by an actual Earth Kingdom soldier.

"You two!" The guard shouted.

"Yes, sir?" Kali asked.

"You two don't belong here." The guard noticed.

"Sir, we were assigned prisoner transfer duty, but we're... well, we're late. And... if our commander finds out... We're already in enough trouble this month." Zuko told the guard.

"That's right." Kali nodded. "Do you know where we have to go?"

"The old Firebender was taken to the Pit. The other one's still here." The guard told them.

"Other one?" Zuko asked.

"There were two?" Kali questioned.

"Yeah, the bald kid. The king wanted to see him." The guard said.

"Well, you two just going to stand there? What are you two going to do?" The guard asked.

"We'll join the Firebender at the Pit, sir." Kali replied.

As they left, the guard called out to Kali.

"Hey! What's up with the fans?"

Kali removed her fans from their holster and held them out.

"They were a gift from my mother. She and I both practiced the art of Tessenjutsu." Kali spread out one of her fans.

The guard nodded and continued moving.
Zuko and Kali followed the trail of the Earth Kingdom soldiers, and soon Zuko noticed the white lotas tile that Uncle Iroh had brought.

"Well, at least we know we're on the right track." Kali said as they continued to follow the trail.
At Lu Ten's funeral, everyone came to pay their respects to Uncle Iroh.

Fire Lord Ozai went up to his older brother and told him that Lu Ten had died a hero.

Next, Zuko and Kali ascended.

"Uncle, what a great honor for you and for Lu Ten to die in the service of the Fire Nation. " Zuko told his uncle.

Kali wanted to smack Zuko on the arm for being disrespectful but thought against it.

Zuko turned around and began to walk away, but Kali grabbed his sleeve and shook her head. They both sat down next to Uncle Iroh, who was mourning the loss of his son.
When they got closer, Kali threw one of her fans; it knocked three of the Earth Kingdom soldiers out cold.

Zuko sent a wave of fire at a tree in front of the soldiers who were riding Ostrich Horses. The soldiers' horses knocked them over, and the Earth Kingdom soldiers ducked as the fire came their way.

Kali then sent her rock-covered fists at them and grabbed them by the throat. Zuko unchained Iroh with a kick and fought the Earth Kingdom soldiers together  as Kali helped by using her earthbending to crush any rocks coming their way. Zuko sent a kick of fire towards them, knocking them out. Iroh then blocked an oncoming attack from an Earthbender as he used the chains on his wrist to grab the soldier's foot, throwing him down on the ground. The soldier wanted Iroh to kill him, but Iroh refused, launching a rock at Iroh which was blocked by Kali who crushed it instantly with her gloves.
That night, Kali and Zuko helped Iroh in a boat they used to get to Omashu and were headed back to the ship.

"Are you okay?" Kali asked Iroh, who nodded. Zuko got in front and began paddling back to the ship.

"It seems we are always getting on or off boats. Perhaps that is our fate, Prince Zuko." Iroh said.
Three Years ago

Zuko was aboard his ship, getting ready to depart, when he heard two voices.

"Ah, good. It's not too late." Iroh said.

"What are you doing here, Uncle?" Zuko asked without turning around.

"Same as you. Getting ready to embark on what is sure to be a memorable journey." Iroh said to Zuko as Kali came up from behind Iroh with her fans in their holsters.

"This could be fun." Kali smiled as Zuko turned around to face them.

"You both want to come with me?" Zuko asked.

"We've came fully prepared. Iroh has all the tea he needs." Kali said.

"I don't need a babysitter." Zuko replied.

"How about a friend or two?" Iroh asked Zuko.

"My father made it very clear that I'm not to return until I find the Avatar... which means it could be a very long time before we return home." Zuko told them.

"My home is wherever you are." Kali kissed Zuko on the forehead.

"Home, everything I need is on this boat." Iroh said.
Zuko, who was rowing, saw a flying shy bison from up above.

"What is it, Zuko?" Iroh asked.

"Nothing." Zuko replied, then turned back to Kali and Iroh. "Let's go home."

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